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With enough coin, everything is possible in Umera

The city of fountains, beverages and ballads, Umera is a slight safe haven amongst the carnage and misery that is most of Manniskar. The Umerans are often visited by kings, nobles and rich merchants that seek to enjoy the pleasantry of the city-state's most refined qualities.   Brothels, inns, art galleries and fancy tailors are all around the city, but it doesn't mean other, less noble crafts aren't practiced here. Like all cities, specially one that is it's own realm, Umera has all kinds of work and crafts inside it's beautiful walls, but most of the wealth and fame of the city comes from it's luxurious practices.

Foreign Politics

While being an overall neutral faction in Mellanvärlden, Umera is almost always open for new treaties and pacts with the other kingdoms and nations. Sarusa has been Umera's main ally for most of history, although, after the events of the year 1000, the two cities became somewhat distant, specially after the death of Osteinikos Skleros, which led Umera to become more independant and neutral. The city state is also quite welcoming to Legacya, as the latter has been actively seeking better relations and embracing the southern culture. On the other side, Velden and Arialor are mostly wary of the noble city, mainly due to the distance and past events. Vevia is neutral when it comes to relations, although they have sought many commercial pacts with Umera.  Treria on the other hand, is an intriguing situation, given the northerners have a bad reputation all around Mellanvärlden, but despite so, the city of angels avoids any hostilities with the Trerians, given the fact that Asgaror Lonigrad  and Délphine Anjou are close friends.



Délphine Anjou

Form of Government

Elective Monarchy
Geopolitical, City-state
Leader Title
Government System
Monarchy, Elective
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Market economy
Gold Crowns
Official Languages
Related Traditions
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members

Non-Aggression Pact


Commercial Pact


Tense Relations