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The Battle of the Frozen Plains

During the late autumn of 890 Efter Exodus, the Sacrossant Arialist Theocracy was going through it's golden age, as the priesthood ascended to power and the military expanded greatly, with cities growing and the population going through boom after boom. At the time, the current ruler, Arch-Priest Manadeus decided that the religion should be disseminated and enforced upon Thortyr, which was viewed as a heretic kingdom.   The arialist ruler ordered then that several religious companies and inquisitions were sent north to the Engelian lands. To their misery, the priests and preachers were met with the sword and axe, given the fact that Thortyr has a strong sense of secularism and would not stand idly to such transgression, specially since the northern kingdom has long isolated itself from the rest of Människar.   When the news arrived, the lords and high-priests of Arialor were enraged and demanded that military action were taken against the engelians. And so, on the 18th of November of 890, over twenty thousand soldiers marched through the snowy plains towards the north. The Engelian Autocracy did not stand idly and soon moved a force roughly the same size to meet the Theocracy's forces. The battle turned to be an utter massacre, as a well positioned Thortyan army, along with their superior skill and equipment slaughtered the entire southern army with ease, showing no mercy nor taking any prisoners. From that moment forward, Thortyr became equally feared and respected across Människar, showing they wouldn't take any insult lightly, choosing to be left alone to their matters.

The Conflict


The battle took place in the Frozen Plains, a long stretch of land to the east of the Dwaramal Range dotted with hills to the north.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
18/11/890 EE
Ending Date
05/12/890 EE
Conflict Result
Arialor suffered a devastating defeat and Thortyr proved it's capability to the realm.


The Enlightened Thortyan Autocracy
Sacrossant Arialist Theocracy


Over 400.000 professional soldiers. About 28.000 took part in the conflict.
About 36.000 25.000 involved in the conflict.


Less than 500.
Over 20.000 dead and about 3.000 injured.


Punitive invasion against Arialor.
Territorial and religious invasion against Thortyr.