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The Gift of Magic

Amongst mortality, those who are born with the capability of conjuring magical phenomena through the harvesting of Magi are often called The Gifted, The Cursed, The Marked, amongst others. The reason behind such names has its roots in the way magic is manifested by mortals.    


  In order to conjure a magical phenomena (a manifestation of Kunskar's essence), of any nature, the caster needs to bring Magi into the world, and only a living being possessing a soul may attempt so without the use of reagents or artifacts. Moreover, merely having a soul isn't enough, the given soul must also have the unlocked potential to act as catalyst.      

The Marking

  At the moment of the conception, a soul is created. And given how the other realms are constantly exerting influence over Mellanvärlden, there is a constant fluctuation, an ebbing of the essences over and in the world. Thus, when a soul is made, sometimes such interference of the essences might cause the spirit to be "scarred" or "branded. Couple with the fact a soul cannot be easily manipulated, such marking is permanent, reason as to why some never get to manipulated magic, while those that do, never lose their skill.   Throughout time, uncountable sages and physicians tried to understand such condition, as young children displaying signs of spellcasting were treated as sick, mad and more often than not, possessed. Terrible operations were conducted as people searched for salves, potions and rituals that could cease the manifestation of magic in the young, whilst any older individual would be instantly be treated as a practitioner of dark arts or witch. The manifestation vary greatly, depending on the nature of a soul's mark, in which, while some could hear the whispering of other minds, another would yield and spew fire from their hands, setting villages ablaze.  

The Fields of Magic

  First proposed by an Engelian Maester named Eros, the gift of magic is usually and commonly depicted over 6 different branches, each covering an aspect of reality, which hints at the idea that a wizard capable of wielding all 6 (Often referred as All-Casters) would essentially be able to control and shape reality to their desires. Hence, the lores or fields of magic are as follow:  

- Lärdomem om Kosmos - The Lore of the Cosmos -

  Depicted as the rarest, although most powerful lore of magic, in which a sorcerer would supposedly be able to manipulate the most fundamental aspects of nature, such as time, space and even the fundamental forces that make up the world.  

- Sinnets Lärdom - The Lore of the Mind

  Along with the lore of space, this too is one of the most fabled of magic, encompassing the wizards capable of manipulating the world around them using solely the power of their minds, moving objects without touching them, tearing apart the limbs of their foes from afar whilst not lifting but a finger and finally, reading and even exerting influence over the minds of people and ordinary creatures.  

- Läran om Elementem - The Lore of the Elements

  The most "common" of all lores, those gifted with the ability to wield the more mundane and less-metaphysical aspects of reality, such as water, earth, lightning, fire and many more. Although less rare, the elemental wizards are not to be undermined, for many possess the power to bring down the sky and turn the ground into hell.  

- Själens Lardom - The Lore of the Soul

  Another uncommon lore, encompasses the wizards capable of exerting influence through the power of the soul to affect itself or others, a dangerous and mysterious arcana that allows one to heal the wounds others might have or seep the life out of them. Some are even deemed capable of predicting the future and performing rituals to harm others from a great distance.  

- Frammaning - The Lore of Evocation

  Evocation, the supernatural ability to create something from the nothingness, to bring angels and demons from their realms into the mortal world, to cause objects to appear out of thin air and bring life to ordinary items, a truly incredible ability, an ability that affects the entire body, in which the caster must sustain his creations or else they'll wither away with the wind.  

- Lardom om Forändring - The Lore of Alteration

  A lore very respected by the followers of Mosaicism, for this aspect of magic includes the wizards capable of changing themselves and the worlds around them, transmuting materials and turning into animals and creatures.
A cosmoggi creating a portal into the fabric of space.
Metaphysical, Supernatural