Arthur Hightower

Lord of Hightower, Ser, Beacon of the South Arthur Hightower (a.k.a. Ser Arthur the Brave)


In the annals of Westeros, amidst the tapestry of blood-soaked legends and whispered tales of valor, few names stir the hearts and minds as fiercely as that of Ser Arthur Hightower. Born of noble stock, his lineage traced back to the storied halls of House Hightower, and his blood mingled with the verdant blooms of House Tyrell, Ser Arthur emerged from the cradle of privilege, destined for greatness.   From his earliest days, the young scion displayed a prodigious talent that knew no bounds. Whether delving into the tomes of ancient lore or mastering the art of war upon the backs of charging destriers, Arthur Hightower's prowess knew no equal. It was whispered among the bards that even the gods themselves marveled at the gifts bestowed upon this mortal vessel.   At the tender age of thirteen, fate beckoned to him upon the fields of chivalry, where he first tasted the sweet nectar of victory in a tournament that would set the stage for the glories to come. It was there, beneath the watchful gaze of King Jon Snow, that the accolades of knighthood were bestowed upon him, anointing him as one of the realm's chosen champions.   Yet it was not until the crucible of conflict, amidst the swirling tempest of the Fool's War, that Ser Arthur's mettle would be truly tested. Alongside the dragon queen, Daenerys Targaryen, he rode forth into the maelstrom of battle, his sword aflame with the fury of righteousness. Witnessing the unleashed fury of Drogon upon the Myrish Fleet off the coast of Greenstone Island, he stood unwavering, a beacon of defiance amidst the storm.   But it was not upon the battlefield alone that Ser Arthur would carve his name into the annals of history. For in the tangled web of love and betrayal, fate would entwine his destiny with that of Princess Rhaella Targaryen, a bond forged in the fires of passion and forbidden desire.   As the wheels of fate turned and the mantle of kingship passed to Samwell Targaryen, the shadows of betrayal darkened the halls of power. Accusations flew like poisoned arrows, and in the crucible of the tournament grounds, King Samwell's wrath was unleashed upon Ser Arthur, his honor besmirched by the venomous lies that dripped from royal lips.   With the clash of steel and the spatter of blood upon the hallowed earth, Ser Arthur fought with the fury of a man wronged, his blade cleaving through the ranks of his former brothers, the Kingsguard. But in the end, it was not the swords of his enemies that would claim him, but the dagger wielded by the hand of a king driven mad by jealousy and rage.   As the crimson tide ebbed away, and the echoes of tragedy reverberated through the realm, Ser Arthur Hightower breathed his last, his legacy etched in blood and betrayal. Yet even in death, his name would live on, as after Samwell was murdered, Rhaella had a baby boy, with the same eyes as his father, who she named him after. That boy was called Aegor Targaryen. Aegor in High Valyrian, translates to Arthur.  

Family Ties

Targaryen Family Tree.png
House Sigil

We Light the Way
Date of Birth
29th of Tenth Moon
Date of Death
21st of Second Moon
305 AC 340 AC 35 years old
Circumstances of Death
Murdered - Multiple stab wounds
Place of Death


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