Aegor Targaryen Character in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil

Aegor Targaryen

King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men; Protector of the Realm Aegor Targaryen (a.k.a. The Exiled, The Conquerer, The Great)


In the chronicles of Westerosi history, there are tales of great conquerors whose names echo through the ages. Among them stands Aegor Targaryen, a scion of fire and blood, whose indomitable will and unwavering determination reshaped the Seven Kingdoms in the crucible of war.   Born amidst turmoil and strife, Aegor's life was marked by the shadows of his lineage and the weight of destiny. As the grandson of the enigmatic Jon Snow, known to some as Aegon XI, and the legendary Daenerys Targaryen, he inherited a legacy forged in the flames of past conquests. Yet, his path was not predetermined; it was carved by his own hands, guided by the fiery ambition that burned within his soul.   From his earliest days on Dragonstone, Aegor showed a fierce intellect and a thirst for knowledge that surpassed his years. Raised by his mother, Queen Rhaella, he was instilled with the virtues of honor and duty, tempered by the harsh realities of a realm in turmoil.   Ascending to the Iron Throne, in the wake of his father's demise would prove more difficult and lengthy then Aegor could have imagined, all while he faced a realm torn asunder by rebellion and strife. The flames of war licked at the edges of the Seven Kingdoms, threatening to consume all in their path. Yet, instead of succumbing to despair, Aegor seized the reins of power with a steely resolve that belied his youth.   The years that followed would be marked by bloodshed and betrayal, as Aegor embarked on a quest to reclaim the Targaryen legacy and unite the fractured realm under his rule. With a host of loyal followers at his side, including the reformed House Baratheon and the formidable House Velaryon, he embarked on a campaign of conquest that would shake the very foundations of Westeros.   From the burning streets of King's Landing to the windswept plains of the Vale, Aegor's armies marched ever onward, leaving a trail of death and destruction in their wake. Yet, for all his victories, he faced challenges that tested his resolve to its very limits. The stubborn defiance of certain lords, the cunning machinations of rival houses, and the ever-present specter of betrayal threatened to unravel his grand design at every turn.   But Aegor was no ordinary king; he was a dragon reborn, and his flames burned brighter than any before him. With each obstacle overcome and each foe vanquished, he drew ever closer to his ultimate goal: the reunification of the Seven Kingdoms under the banner of House Targaryen.   Yet, even as he stood on the brink of victory, fate had one final trial in store for him. In the deserts of Dorne, Aegor faced his greatest challenge yet, as the forces of House Martell and their allies stood firm against his advance. In a battle that would be remembered for centuries to come, Aegor's armies clashed with the Dornish defenders in a brutal contest of wills and steel.   In the end, it was Aegor's indomitable spirit that carried the day, as he emerged victorious from the crucible of battle, his enemies vanquished and his legacy secured. With the Seven Kingdoms united once more under his rule, Aegor Targaryen ascended to the throne as a conqueror and a king, his name destined to be spoken with reverence and fear for generations to come.  

Family Ties

Immediate Family
Targaryen Family Tree.png
House Sigil

Fire and Blood
Date of Birth
1st of First Moon
Date of Death
30th of Tenth Moon
341 AC 405 AC 64 years old
Circumstances of Death
Natural - Black lungs


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