Cyrus Engelkind Hemmelfahrt Character in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil

Cyrus Engelkind Hemmelfahrt

Septon Cyrus Engelkind Hemmelfahrt

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In his imposing red robes adorned with ostentatious golden embroidery, Septon Cyrus Engelkind Hemmelfahrt strikes a commanding figure. However, behind this facade of piety, a loathsome demeanor remains concealed. The silver hair crowning his head adds an air of distinction to his stern countenance, yet it belies the sinister motivations lurking behind his bright, keen eyes.   Born into obscurity in the Westerlands, Cyrus embraced the Faith of the Seven early in life. Rising through the ranks with a cunning blend of piety and deception, he now holds the esteemed position of Septon. Despite outward displays of devotion, whispers of dubious deeds trail in his wake.   Cyrus is a master of deception, skillfully presenting a humble facade while harboring sinister motives. His speeches, delivered with charismatic eloquence, carry an air of arrogance and manipulation. Behind closed doors, he maneuvers through the political landscape with calculated cunning, leaving others questioning his true allegiance. Combining a deep understanding of the Faith's teachings with political maneuvering, Septon Cyrus employs charismatic speeches, delivered with a hint of manipulation, to sway the masses. A masterful player in the game of Westerosi politics, he uses his influence to serve undisclosed agendas.   Hidden beneath the guise of religious fervor lies Cyrus's true ambition—to wield the influence of the Faith for personal gain. His goal extends beyond the enlightenment of his flock; it encompasses the consolidation of power, utilizing the Faith as a tool to further shadowy objectives.
Kingdom of the Andals
Player (Current)
Shinigami Knight
Year of Birth
347 AC 74 Years old
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