Season 4, Turn 30 Report in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil

Season 4, Turn 30

Days 16 - 30 of the Third Moon, 421 AC

General Summary

Fleet of Pentos Dispute, Continued

  Free City of Myr | Scotland's BEST
For years, Myr has only ever known war. Victory and defeat are all too familiar. Although we are now a people without a city, we are still a people with a home. That home, as dangerous and unforgiving as it is, is the battlefield. It is a necessary and uncomfortable place to live, but it is also often a place to die. We fight for home, for hope, and for an end to an endless cycle of violence. Despite the horrible conditions we have endured small victories give Myr hope.   Tyrosh is retaken! A small elite force has retaken the unguarded city.   The warring Karstark banners are in tatters!   Reports were scarce of what exactly happened at the encampment outside Thulks tower. The Myrish made sure to keep their methods discreet so as to not teach their adversaries how they waged war, but the results speak for itself.   Warriors of all kinds who were just moments ago resting, sharpening tools, getting grub, laughing over a fire with mugs of ale now found themselves silenced. The camp, which was so alive and full of energy, was now in ruins. Tens of thousands of burnt corpses lay among a torn and ruined maze in tents.   The mystery of the massacre remains, but the message was clear: the Westerosi are not welcome in Essos. If you wish to be an uninvited guest in our lands, you will share in our misery and hurt. If you bring war, you will be welcomed with it. Our lands are ruined by war, and if you come for gold and profit, you will leave poorer than had you stayed home. Essos is not the land of opportunity. It is a ruined and war-torn wasteland. Please leave for your own good and for the good of Essos.   -Magistrate Thaeros Naaris and the people of Myr   House Karstark | Kingdom of the North | Damia Rose
To those who wish to know the truth,   The massacre of tens of thousands of Karstark men and women is not as much a mystery as Myr would have you believe. It was an act of cowardice. Clearly, living their "lives on the battlefield" has taught them that they can only win when their enemies are asleep. There is no honor amongst them.   Ser Riley Seal, my Master-At-Arms leading our forces in Pentos, was able to escape the devastation and has sent her report to me, of which I will summarize to you all.   Accelerants had been poured all around and throughout the exterior of the encampment while they slept. Flaming arrows were then shot throughout, igniting everything they touched. Thousands upon thousands were woken up in excruciating pain. Others suffocated by smoke. Some were caught as they exited their tent by more barrages of blazing arrows.   Chaos everywhere you looked, as they scrambled to gather their wits and weaponry, fueled by adrenaline and the feeling of the heat surrounding them. A brutal battle ensued, but the odds were against them. No amount of training or expertise would save them that night.   In Karhold, they will be remembered for their valiant attempt to overcome the atrocities committed by the Myrish troops. Ser Riley and a small continent will be coming back home, having fought their way through the pandemonium, though they will have scars to show for it.   Let our misfortune serve as a reason for why you must continue to push back against the Free City of Myr. They engaged in conflict with Pentos without so much as a word and continued their assault, winning with conduct unfit of a true warrior. You fight to make Pentos whole once more. You fight to show that honor has a place in this world. You fight for the truth, that none should be bullied just for existing.   Yours in sorrow, Lady Lysara Karstark  

Election Time in Lorath, Continued

  Free City of Lorath | Sentry
Seresha was initially thrilled about her appointment as governor of Limaosy. She had served as Vice Magister to her father but this was not an official position. Her new role made her the first woman to hold office in Lorath's recent history. The Daughters of Lorath shared in her initial enthusiasm insisting to host a party in her honor.   The Daughters Hall was splendidly decorated and all the members were in attendance. Seresha and her young ward, Odile Mopatis, were the center of attention. She was grateful for Odile's presence as many of the suffragettes were eager to meet the daughter of Ellryia Mopatis. It gave Seresha a moment to hide her growing anxiety about the task ahead of her.   Limaosy had been in decline for decades and what little industry that remained was interrupted by the evacuation. The town had been serving as a refugee camp but the original residents demanded to return home. Seresha was charged with restoring the residents to their homes and businesses. Building new homes for the refugees, and setting up storehouses for the military. It would be a difficult task and she could not count on the advice of her father. She realized that if she failed it would do great harm to the Daughters of Lorath. She began to sympathize more with her father, having so much counting on her was a heavy burden to bear. Seresha committed to put her full effort in rebuilding the town she could not fail.  

King of the Rock

  House Piper | Kingdom of the Andals | {N.W.} Blader
After the King's Host of twenty thousand arrived at the gates of Lannisport, The King's close advisor Lord Henry Piper approached the Gates, demanding that him and the King be granted entry to see the Septon Cyrus. after confusion from the guards about the situation concerning the septon, an unknown man emerged at the top of the walls laughing and called out, telling them that the King and his company shall find the person they wish to speak to at the gates of Casterly Rock. The guards would swiftly let the King and his company through the gates and into the city as the man above disappeared as quickly as he appeared. Walking through the streets all could see the celebration and surprise of the people to see their king. The King murmured to his Kingsguard and then to Lord Henry, both of them speaking of the condition of the city and what was to be done.   When the King's company arrived at the castle, the man from the wall was found standing in front of them. He bowed and then guided them through the halls of the keep to a repurposed opulent Lannister hall fit for a king. The men would sit down and first introduce themselves. The unknown man would go first, declaring himself to be Ser Theoden Chester. The men would then proceed to speak regarding the purpose of Lord Henry's and the King's visit, all men quickly standing off in a mental battle of cunning and subtlety, ultimately culminating in the King declaring that the faith is not permitted to rule the Great Keep of Casterly Rock in the stead of nobility and that Lord Henry Piper would be chosen as the nominator of the Next Lord of Casterly Rock. Shortly after the King would exit the room, where Ser Chester and Lord Henry would exchange some final words with one another, culminating in the following:   High Septa Caelia | Shinigami Knight
"Now, let us set aside our differences for the moment and focus on the matter at hand," Ser Chester remarked, his tone firm yet tinged with a note of warning. "You seem well-versed in the art of taking what you desire, but rest assured, your actions have not gone unnoticed. There are forces at play beyond our control, and those who seek to exploit the weak for their own gain will find themselves facing the consequences in due time."   With a pointed look, he rose from his seat, his stance radiating a quiet strength. "But for now, let us conclude our discussion and await the judgment of those who hold true power," he continued, his voice carrying a note of finality. "May the Seven guide us all in these troubled times."   House Piper | Kingdom of the Andals | {N.W.} Blader
Henry moved to sit up from his chair and let out a long and painful sigh as his aging body disagreed with him over the amount of travel he had done within the past month. He stood up, straightened his attire, and looked at Ser Chester one last time. "I suppose we will not see the same on this matter. The gods know my intentions with such actions and will judge me fairly."   He extends out his right hand to Ser Chester as an offer to shake hands, his left-hand hung loosely beside him. "I thank you for receiving His Grace and me today. You proved a much-preferred recipient than Septon Cyrus. If you are to see Septa Caelia when she wakes before I do, please tell her that she has both the prayers of Princess Jaehaera and I."   High Septa Caelia | Shinigami Knight
Ser Chester firmly grips Sir Piper's extended hand and shakes it. "Yes, judgment comes for us all," he replies, his voice carrying a weight of conviction. With a nod of acknowledgment, he releases Piper's hand, his mind already focused on the challenges that lay ahead.   Simultaneously, just beyond the meeting room, Caelia stood at the threshold, her senses tingling with a premonition that urged her to pause as the King prepared to depart. As if in response to her hesitation, the weary-looking King emerged, his expression betraying a flicker of surprise. Behind him, Lord Henry Piper and Ser Chester engaged in the heated debate, their voices weaving a tapestry of intrigue.   Silent and steadfast, Caelia exuded an aura of quiet authority, her presence commanding attention without the need for words. She met the King's gaze with unwavering resolve, her eyes betraying none of the thoughts swirling within her mind.   The King turns to Caelia and recognizes her. Without anything said he grunts as he turns away and moves towards the exit   As the King passed by, Caelia pivoted gracefully on her heel, her gaze never leaving his retreating form. "The One hears and sees everything," she murmured cryptically, a faint smirk playing at the corners of her lips. With a casual lean against the nearby wall, she continued, her tone laced with subtle warning. "I wish you a safe journey back to King's Landing," she remarked, plucking a crimson apple from a nearby basket. "But beware, for stormy weather looms on the horizon. Thunder and lightning herald the displeasure of the One."   House Piper | Kingdom of the Andals | {N.W.} Blader
Otho stops when hearing her words and turns to meet the stare of Caelia, her foreboding words meeting the tired face of a man. As Caelia concludes, the faintest bit of a smile appears on his lips as he looks at Caelia, showing her his patch over his missing eye.   "I bring the Thunder, my lady. No one else."   With that brief remark, Otho continues onward and away from the looming battlements of Casterly Rock. Home awaits him.   High Septa Caelia | Shinigami Knight
As the sun beamed brightly over Casterly Rock and a gentle breeze stirred the air, Caelia's cryptic forecast seemed at odds with the serene surroundings. Was it a mere play for power, or a harbinger of darker days to come? Only time would reveal the truth, leaving lingering uncertainty in its wake."


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