Daenerys Targaryen

Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men; Protector of the Realm Daenerys Targaryen (a.k.a. Dany, Stormborn, Mother of Dragons)


In the annals of Westerosi history, the name Daenerys Targaryen echoes with both triumph and tragedy, a tale woven with threads of fire and blood, love and loss. Born amidst the chaos of a realm torn asunder by war, Daenerys emerged as the last scion of a once-mighty dynasty, her destiny entwined with the fates of dragons and kingdoms alike.   Daenerys's early years were marked by exile and hardship, fleeing across the Narrow Sea with her brother Viserys, the remnants of House Targaryen. Yet from these humble beginnings arose a flame that would ignite the hearts of men and reshape the very fabric of the known world. With the hatching of three dragon eggs, long thought to be mere relics of a bygone era, Daenerys's claim to the Iron Throne was forged anew, a legacy reborn in fire and flight.   As she traversed the lands of Essos, Daenerys gathered to her cause a motley host of followers, from exiled knights to freed slaves, each drawn by the promise of liberation and justice. With her dragons soaring overhead, she cast down the chains of tyranny wherever she trod, toppling ancient empires and sowing the seeds of revolution in her wake.   Yet with every triumph came a shadow, a reminder of the precarious balance between power and peril. The cities she conquered bore witness to both her mercy and her might, as she sought to establish order amidst the chaos of conquest. Yet even as she endeavored to rule wisely, the flames of rebellion smoldered in the hearts of those who yearned for freedom, threatening to consume all she had fought to build.   The bonds of love and duty proved equally treacherous terrain for Daenerys, torn between the counsel of her advisors and the desires of her heart. In the arms of Jon Snow, she found both solace and strength, a partnership forged in the crucible of war and tempered by the fires of passion.  

Dany and Jon attend the Royal Wedding of Queen Sansa Stark and Ser Asher Forrester in 310 AC. Bards sing that on the wedding day, it was the hottest temperature ever recorded by the Maesters and the halls and markets of Wintertown have never been happier.
  In the years that followed, Daenerys and Jon guided the realm with a steady hand, their reign marked by rare moments of peace and prosperity. They bore witness to the birth of their children, Samwell and Rhaella, heirs to a legacy forged in blood and fire.  

  But tragedy would strike in the year 320 AC, when Daenerys Targaryen, the Mother of Dragons, breathed her last, her life snuffed out by the cruel hand of fate, a burst belly. Her passing left a void in the hearts of all who had known her, her legacy a bittersweet reminder of the fragility of power and the fleeting nature of life itself.   And so, the Last Dragon soared beyond the realms of men, her spirit forever entwined with the winds of destiny, her memory a beacon of hope in a world plunged into darkness.  

Family Ties

Immediate Family
Targaryen Family Tree.png
House Sigil

Fire and Blood
Date of Birth
27th of Third Moon
Date of Death
13th of Twelfth Moon
284 AC 320 AC 36 years old
Circumstances of Birth
Born during a thunderstorm
Circumstances of Death
Natural - Burst belly
Place of Death


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