Samwell Targaryen

King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men; Protector of the Realm Samwell Targaryen (a.k.a. Young Sam, Mad King Sam)


In the turbulent chronicles of the Targaryen dynasty, few figures cast a shadow as dark and fraught with tragedy as King Samwell Targaryen. Born to Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen in the wake of the Long Night, Samwell was heralded as a beacon of hope, a symbol of a realm reborn from the ashes of war and desolation. Yet, beneath the gilded promise of his birthright, a tempest of madness and malevolence brewed, marking the beginning of an era that would be remembered with a shudder of dread.   As Samwell matured into manhood, the early signs of his affliction began to manifest, whispers of a mind ensnared by unseen demons and a spirit consumed by the darkest of desires. It was an ailment of the soul that defied the healers' arts—a creeping malady that would, in time, unravel the very fabric of his being. Though crowned at the age of thirty, the seeds of his ruin had long since been sown, germinating in the fertile ground of his tortured psyche.   Samwell's reign, while initially met with the hopeful gaze of a realm yearning for peace, soon devolved into a spectacle of horror. His predilection for violence, a voracious appetite that found satiation only in the suffering of others, became a mark of terror across the land. The brothels and dungeons of King's Landing whispered tales of unspeakable cruelty, of a king who reveled in the agony of the flesh and spirit alike.   The public accusation and execution of Ser Arthur Hightower, the bravest knight of his age and the secret lover of Queen Rhaella, marked the beginning of the end for Samwell's reign. The act, born of jealousy and madness, was a spark that ignited the powder keg of unrest within the realm. Rebellion brewed in the hearts of the aggrieved, and the storied houses of the Reach rose in defiance against their tormentor.   The ensuing conflict, a maelstrom of bloodshed and betrayal, saw the realm torn asunder. Oldtown, the beacon of knowledge and enlightenment, was laid low, its ancient wonders defiled. Highgarden, the seat of chivalry and bounty, was sacked, its beauty marred by the scars of war. And as the realm bled, the mad king's own life was snuffed out, not in glorious battle, but by the hand of a common whore, his heart pierced by the very blade that symbolized not only his royal authority but the literal knife that killed both the Night King and Arthur Hightower.   Yet, it was in the aftermath of his death that the true extent of Samwell's legacy would be felt. A deadly plague, known as Samwell's Curse, ravaged the land, sparing neither highborn nor low, its virulence a final, posthumous curse from a king whose reign was marked by suffering and despair.   In the shadow of his tyranny, the realm struggled to rebuild, its people clinging to the hope that from the ashes of Samwell's madness, a new era of peace and prosperity might yet emerge. But the scars left by his reign would not soon be forgotten, a grim reminder of the fragile line between benevolence and brutality that defines the burden of kingship.  

Family Ties

Immediate Family
Targaryen Family Tree.png
House Sigil

Fire and Blood, Winter is Coming
Date of Birth
5th of Eleventh Moon
Date of Death
5th of Eleventh Moon
308 AC 340 AC 32 years old
Circumstances of Death
Murdered - Dagger to the stomach
Place of Death


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