Garred Forrester

Winterfell Master of Horse, Stark Household Guard Garred Forrester (a.k.a. The Ironwood SHield of Winterfell)

Related Character Bio

The younger brother to the current Lord of Ironwood, Garred was fostered at Wintefell since the age of eight. Though most of his tutorage was under the guiding hands of Maester Vorian and Jory Casell for learned and military acts.   John Stark is a man he rarely interacted with. A distance was kept between the pair as was often the case with the King of the North as well as his son too.   The daughter was another story. With the two often sneaking off to play games as Children and into the Kingswood together as teen. Both on horseback and both enjoying nature together.   Rumours circulate but both reject them. Instead claiming to be great friends from childhood right up until the War of Vale Aggression.   Upon hearing the news of King John's death, Garred headed towards his brother. Rallying the men of House Forrester to aid the Mormont forces strike at the Ryswells.   Along with the rest of the North they ended them quickly. Stopping the Ryswells from taking the North in a combined effort. Instead Lyanna, the last of the Starks was named Queen.   This is when Garred swore his sword would forever be hers. Ensuring his life in service to the true Queen of the North.
House Sigil

Iron From Ice
Year of Birth
400 AC 22 Years old


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