Season 4, Turn 42

Days 16 - 30 of the Ninth Moon, 421 AC

General Summary

Dothraki Seas, Continued

  Free City of Pentos | PatMagroyn
The city’s streets seem to grow larger and larger with each passing day. As fewer and fewer could be seen walking them. Many wealthy families have already set sail from Pentoshi ports, emptying their manses of all riches and servants, in order to spend them on Lorath or the Isles of Lys where they plan to shelter until the horselords are gone.   Hundreds of merchants have packed their wares and left on large trading vessels as well, setting sail for any port that would have their business on the Narrow Sea. Summer Pirates be damned. The stalls and bazaars of the city have never been more empty.   And for the freedmen that are brave enough to manage it, hope can still yet be found as they join convoys headed north. The idea of settling the empty lands of Braavos now seems necessary, rather than a dream. Others that are more grounded head northeast to settlements in Andalos and the Rhoyne.   Many of these freedmen leaving the northern gates on foot and wagon however possess the very real awareness that many of them will not make it. Starvation, plague, wild beasts, bandits, and Dothraki war parties could kill them all at any moment. Many claim only 2 in 5 men will finish their journeys.   Unlike in the War of the Seven, the Senate does not prevent the Pentoshi from leaving. The city gates are not sealed, nor is martial law ordered. Currently, the Senate gives few orders at all. Truthfully, very few senators remain.   The citizens currently left in the city fall into one of the following categories: Those who naively believe the Dothraki will not take it. Those who are taking advantage to plunder empty manses and vaults. And those who are too poor, cowardly, or stubborn to leave it. Ellyria and Consul Naratis fall in the latter category.   Ellyria herself currently resides in the Tower of the Consul with Consul Navio Narratys. Rumored to have been brought there against her will. Mopatis Manse, out in the plains, had only been emptied a week ago once Dothraki scouts were spotted leagues away from it.   When famously asked why she has not set sail like the other families by Senator Cragys, Princess Ellyria of House Mopatis replied with this:   “We cannot defend the Free City of Pentos abroad by deserting her at home. Those who are happiest…are those who dare bravely to defend what they love.”   The latter with one most commonly attributed to Prince Horro Mopatis. R’hllor rest his soul.   Khal Hazdahn | Eddy
*As of yet, no resistance is forthcoming. Scouts report large armies maneuvering here and there outside of the city, but none are within striking distance. The Orange orchards and the wealthy suburbs have been conquered without resistance. A large mercenary company garrisons the city itself, but they cannot possibly hold against the forces arrayed against them. Will they set sail?*   Free City of Pentos | PatMagroyn
The Company of the Cat. A mercenary group that was mocked for not taking ANY side in the Great War. Missing all of the very lucrative contracts offered. However, in its wake, due to that single decision, they have now became Essos’ largest sellsword company.   They had recruited legions from Vargo’s scattered Qohorik soldiers. Picked up survivors of Volantis’ Old Guard. Conscripted Dukat’s wandering brigands. Hiring deserters from Myr, Pentos, and Norvos surely too.   They were the only ones willing to accept the gold lent by Lys, Lorath, Myr (and more) for this current job. As all mercenaries deemed Pentos’ fate hopeless. Half of the Senate thought the Cats would just show up and sack the City themselves. But Pentos had no other options left.   Even with the sellswords’ however, the Horselords still numbered in the hundreds of thousands. Did the Mercenary Captain know something others did not? Did they take this contract solely for the small hope of eternal fame if they won? Were they promised something even greater than gold for taking this job?   Only the outcome of this upcoming battle would tell, as the Khal now knocks on Pentos’ door.

All Eyes on the Vale, Continued

  Host RP | Jack Handy
~ After weeks of negotiations and hardship, The Small Council of the King, had finally agreed on payment for shipments of grain from across the Narrow Sea. The seller, Hefford Farm Hefford's Barn , was reluctant to agree to the deal, as the threat of the Dothraki in the area had caused much panic but the gold offer was too high to turn down. After the cargo ship left port in Pentos, it's crew and cargo sailed for South Andalos Coastwaters set for The Mud Gate   ~But this would not happen, as the Royal Navy of the Vale, under the command of House Baelish, wisely attacked and sank the supply ship.   News of the attack was quick to reach the Capital. Many in the city blamed the Vale, with support for the war strong with them but much of the poorer smallfolk, many living in Flea Bottom Cobbler's Square and around The King's Gate seemed to blame only the King and his henchmen... with violence and civil unrest, at a boiling point around parts of the City.   House Targaryen | Kingdom of the Andals | Steffi the Redhead
Sinking a ship from Pentos? I must say I like the Vale's style.   House Stark | Kingdom of the North | ~TSK~ SteenB11
"He makes some good points"   Some? Some? Garred could not believe the old man stood to his side. All he heard was sense. They had taken them by surprise. That was all. Now was their chance for vengeance. Blood for blood. They would feel the consequences.   "Jorah speaks for us all, Jory. Every single one of us should sign up. Take those islands and kill as many Valemen as we can"   Jory sighed. As short as the vapor rising from his mouth, "Death leads to death leads to death. Young one. We must act but do not forget to open our hands at the same time."   What a farce. Garred held the feeling of running to Jorah's side. Bending his knee and undying support. First, he needed to prove the old man wrong.   "Is that what they did to us!? When they came in the night! Slaughtering all in their path while we was at our weakest."   "If we do the same we are the monsters you speak of for them. Your queen knows, that is why Jorah leads this party. Not you. That Sword has changed him. Molded him. A sense of purpose"   "Yes, a sense to kill Valemen! Alongside m-"   The large palm of Jory placed itself on his shoulder. Holding him in a firm grip. Forcing Garred into a feeling he had not felt since a child.   "Your place is here, with our new Queen. Too many young men have bled over those old islands. No, my lad, this is the time for the old men to take up arms for our country. We are soo to die as Winter Wolves anyone. This way, we shall try and do some good."   Garred was shook. Unsure of what he was hearing. "But, you say you opp-"   "No, I said we should have one hand open, with the Wolves being the fist. Jorah understands. I see it in his eyes. If he has need of anything else, my sword is his.... Now, go Garred. Our queen is in need of you."   With that Garred was released. As confused as ever. Unsure of what exactly had transpired. Yet, Jory walked with purpose. Whether towards his death, glory or necessity Garred did not know. All he did know was that there was not a man who served the North as well as him.   House Mormont | Kingdom of the North | Knight
A new title has been created within the Kingdom of the North by Queen Lyanna, to accompany the legendary blade 'Longclaw' that was returned to the North recently by Alexander Bracken, Prince of the Andals.   The Sword of Winter, an individual recognized for their mastery of swordsmanship and their dedication to the North and her people, will be chosen to serve the North for the duration of their life and will wield the Sword of Kings as the symbol of their position. Jorah Mormont, a man known across the North for his skill with a blade and a vitality that keeps him nimble and strong despite his age, was chosen as the first living Sword of Winter (With Jon Snow having retroactively been bestowed the title).   With each future Sword of Winter to be chosen and trained by their predecessor, the title's purpose is clear: To foster a hero figure that the people of the North can put their trust into even when all else seems bleak. To give a voice to the people that has the strength to make it heard as loudly as possible. And most importantly of all, to honor the legacy of the first to do these things, and strive to never let those deeds be forgotten. The North Remembers.   For some time after the title was created, nothing changed. Prince Alexander's visit kept many in the North busy, Jorah included, and even after the initial welcoming party and all that followed the newly appointed Sword of Winter had unfinished business to attend to back on Bear Island... but this normalcy would not continue for long. Eventually Jorah Mormont would sail from Bear Island with only a single ship, his first destination being Deepwood Motte where he would stay for only a day. His ship strangely did not fly the flag of House Mormont. When he departed from there he would be followed by two more ships, both of which also lacked normal flags bearing house sigils. The flag flown by this growing fleet was a very light grey and had no sigil whatsoever.   Next they visited Nightfall where they stayed for three days and left with two more ships, then finally they stopped in Fisherton for two days and left with three more ships. A total of 8 ships arrived at their final destination, the port of Blackpool. The growing contingent of young men and women, all of fighting age but completely unarmed aside some notable exceptions such as Jorah himself, traveled from Blackpool to Frozen Ford, stopping at many villages and all of the keeps along the way and always leaving a location with a number of new recruits.   By the time the group passed Winterfell they had already become so numerous that you couldn't be faulted for mistaking them for a small army, but even to this point most had yet to take up arms and no one outside of the group could find out what their purpose was. It seemed that Jorah Mormont had spoken to each new member personally, with very few that were approached choosing not to join them, and none of those who declined being willing to speak of the conversation they had with him.   From Frozen Ford the group would continue east, taking the Winter Crossing before continuing what they had been doing thus far as they now travel south. It is only in the latter parts of this journey that it started to become clear what they were gathering together for, as the people's emotions could not be contained and the calm recruitment quickly became more like the stirrings of a revolution as they got closer and closer to the coast of the Bite.   The people who joined Jorah's group in these parts did so with loud and unmistakable fervor, and those who did not join them were often supportive of those who did, spreading the word to the far reaches of the White Plains and beyond in the hopes that others more capable would answer the call. Many started to be armed with basic weaponry and armor, and the passionate cries of "The North Remembers!" rage through the streets of Bearsgate by the time that the army arrives at the Broken Shore.   And it was unmistakably an army now, though it still did not bear the banner of any lord or house, only the light grey cloth lacking any sigil that they all wore on their belt could identify them as a unified group. They had taken a clear name though: The Winter Wolves. Like their namesake, these people had committed themselves to fight and die for vengeance- nay, for retribution. And like the Winter Wolves that came before, they would do what they felt necessary whether their own Kingdom would allow it or not. The Starks can forget. House Corbray can forget. The lords and ladies in their keeps can forget the tragedies of the past, but The North Always Remembers.   House Bracken | Kingdom of the Andals | Jack Handy
~ Months before his trip to the North, Prince Alexander had conceived of the plan to return Longclaw to the North and House Mormont, as a way to prove his loyalty to Queen Lyanna and to win favor with the North as a whole to ensure the future peace. But making a plan to get an invaluable magic sword is a lot easier than actually convincing a Targaryen Princess to part ways with it.   After days of talks and verbal roleplay, Princess Jaehaera finally agreed to give up her father's sword... for only a small price... The Hightower and 60k in golden dragons. Did Alex have 60,000 in gold? Of course not but he wouldn't be the first Bracken to go into debt to House Rogare for his goals.   After Jaehaera handed over the sword to him, Alexander bowed and turned to leave but as he did, Jaehaera gave him one last parting shot.   "I am a bad daughter... selling a priceless family heirloom for some gold and power," Jaehaera smiled ear to ear, as she playfully mocked the situation. "Oh and Alex, make sure to take care of my sword for me, I would hate for anything to happen to Her while she is in the North without me. In time we will be reunited, in Fire & Blood," she gave him a wink as he continued to walk out of her grand hall.   Free City of Lorath | Sentry
Sallos Dynar and his makeshift retinue traveled along the winding mountain roads of the Vale. His band of militia were mostly formed of Crownlanders that feared their connections to Lorath would land them in jail. None of these men were warriors but agreed to fight for Sallos in exchange for passage to Lorath. As the party neared their destination, more of the men grew restless.   “Senator, are you sure you want to go through with this? The Mountain Clansmen hate the Vale like the Free Cities hate the Dothraki. Hells, they are likely to kill us before we even manage to speak to them.” The young Ser Vincent Blount said as he pulled up alongside the Senators horse. The young knight had argued against his plan since the party set out. Sallos doubted he would have accompanied him had not his sister made him promise to protect Sallos.   “I am not hiring them for the Vale. They will serve as mercenaries of Lorath. Our peoples have no bad blood between us, and we both have reason to hate the Andals.” Sallos' voice did betray his confident demeanor. He knew his idea was a long shot.   “No matter how you phrase it, Senator, they would be fighting alongside the Knight's of the Vale. They would be more likely to fight each other than the invading Andals –” Vincent trailed off, pointing up towards an overhang. Two scouts were watching the column as they approached the meeting site.   “If there were a better option, I would take it. We need soldiers, and we need time. Besides, if we die here, we would have contributed as much to the war as if we died in a siege.” The column of soldiers continued on into the predetermined meeting place.


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