Hardhome Settlement in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil


Hardhome is the only true castle and town beyond the Great Wall. It is on the tip of the peninsula Storrold's Point on the Shivering Sea. Hardhome is located beneath a great cliff pocketed with cave mouths. It sits on a sheltered bay and has a natural harbor deep enough for large ships. Wood and stone are plentiful, shipped all throughout the Realm in the name of House Crowl. The waters teem with fish, and there are colonies of seals and sea cows close at hand. A great cliff looms above the settlement, pocked with cave mouths. They're also a large amount of healers and medicine workers in the town that can help those in need, for a price. A large fish market sits on the harbor, where most days it is teeming with traders and merchants from all around.  

Beyond the Great Wall
Large city
Owning Organization


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