Magnus Magnar Character in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil

Magnus Magnar

Commander of the Skagosi Free Folk, Lord Magnus Magnar (a.k.a. The Bastard)


Magnus Magnar, the resilient bastard son of Titus Crowl, raised in the shadows of the Crowl household, Magnus' origins were shrouded in secrecy, but his unwavering determination would soon set him on a path of his own.   At the Battle of Queen's Crown, Magnus proved his mettle, serving as a loyal lieutenant in his father's armies. The battlefield was unforgiving, but his unwavering commitment to Titus Crowl and his strategic resilience on the front lines earned him respect and admiration.   Tragedy struck when his father, Titus Crowl, met his demise on the battlefield, and the ancestral stronghold of Deepdown was mercilessly sacked, leaving the Crowl forces scattered and defeated. In the face of this dire adversity, Magnus refused to yield. He rallied the remnants of his father's loyal followers, forging a new path forward.   With unyielding determination and a vision of reclaiming lost glory, Magnus Magnar founded the House of Magnar. Under his leadership, he transformed the shattered remnants into a formidable force. The survivors, now united under the banner of the House of Magnar, looked to him as their beacon of hope.   Magnus's journey culminated in the establishment of his new seat of power, Kingshouse. From this stronghold, he began to rebuild, what his father fought so long to create.
House Sigil

Old Blood, Ready Blade
Player (Current)
Year of Birth
396 AC 25 Years old
Ruled Locations

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