House Jareth

House Jareth of the North is a small but formidable house with deep roots in both Northern and Andal traditions. Originating from Essos, they settled on the Stoney Shore over a thousand years ago, bending the knee to House Stark. Their seat, Humewood Castle—known as "the Underground"—is a fortress built into the cliff walls of the Western Cliffs, reflecting their mysterious and resilient nature.   Renowned for their exceptional skills in archery and tracking, members of House Jareth are often called upon in times of war or when a hunt demands the best. Despite their modest domain, they can rally up to 500 knights, demonstrating their influence and loyalty to their cause. Practicing the religion of R'hllor, they stand apart from many Northern houses, embodying a blend of Andal heritage and Northern resilience. Their motto, "Through Night and Flame," encapsulates their enduring spirit and dedication to their beliefs and traditions.
House Sigil

Through Night and Flame
The North
Humewood Castle
Manuscript, Historical


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