The North


The North is the region south of the Wall and north of the Neck. Historically, it's ruled by House Stark.   A barren and harsh place. With Summer snows, hardships to endure and the constant threat of starvation in the winter. The North is a land that gives birth to people with the will strong enough to live in and an undying loyalty to its land and people. Winter Is Coming and the Northmen will be ready.  


As mentioned before the North is a barren and unforgiving place. Crops are hard to grow here, but it says alot for the stubbornness of the Northmen that they ensure it does. Most of the fertile lands are found in the southern half of the North especially the Rills, the Barrowlands and around the White Knife. This area is the breadbasket for the region.   Further up is mainly forest areas such as the Wolfswood to leading into the Stony Shore, which requires next to no explanation, to the Northwrst and the Hornwoods to the East. Hunting and fishing are the main ways to survive in these lands and it is said the fur industry provides a significant amount for the Norths coffers.   The most Northernpart of the Old Kingdom of the North is the most Barren and harsh places. These areas include the Lonely Hill and the Grey Hills as well as the Last River which describes the area well. It is said these lands need to be provided for by the South yet, they make up for it in other ways. Mainly the great Iron Mines that are present.  


The North has been ruled by House Stark Thousands of Years, barring a few occasions. Leading to the Term "A Stark must always be at Winterfell".   How this came around is muddled. Some claim that the Starks beat back the White Walkers the real Kings of Winter. Others believe they simply conquered until none was left.   The Starks have ruled both honourable and by the sword, melding as and when needed to. There have been several rebellions mainly from the Red Kings of House Bolton. Yet, it seems the Starks always find their way back into power.   The North Rememebers.   Other major house have come an gone within the time. Such as the Boltons, Greystarks, Umbers, Ryswells, Dustins...  

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