House Mooton

House Mooton traces its lineage back to the Age of Heroes, a time shrouded in myth and legend. Originating from the Riverlands, they established their seat at Maidenpool, a strategic port town along the coast. Throughout history, House Mooton has navigated the turbulent currents of Westerosi politics, forging alliances and occasionally facing adversity.   Known for their loyalty and martial prowess, the Mootons have often supported their liege lords, whether they be of House Hoare during the Ironborn occupation or House Tully following the Targaryen conquest, or House Bracken after the Century of Blood.They have participated in numerous conflicts, including the Blackfyre Rebellions, the War of the Five Kings, where they remained steadfast in their allegiance to the Tullys and the War of the Trident, which saw the end of House Blackwood and the rise of House Bracken.   Over the centuries, House Mooton has produced knights and lords who have distinguished themselves in both battle and diplomacy. Their sigil, a red salmon on a white field, symbolizes their connection to the rivers and seas that have shaped their history. Despite facing challenges and setbacks, House Mooton endures, its legacy intertwined with the rich history of Westeros.
House Sigil

Wisdom and Strength
The Riverlands
Manuscript, Historical


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