House Mopatis

One of the newest players to the game, hailing from the Free Cities of Essos is the Mopatis Family.   Little is known of their origin and lineage but records show that the first known Mopatis was Magistrate Illyrio Mopatis. A famed merchant often nicknamed "The Cheesemonger".   Illyrio was once a famed sell sword who had a strong friendship with Varys, the whisperer. The duo gained much from their partnership with Varys becoming the Master of Whispers for several Kings and Illyrio retiring from his life of fighting to because an established merchant and eventually a Magistrate.   It was Illyrio who set Daenarys Targayren into her path, arranging the marriage to Khal Drogo and supporting her claim when and where he could. Including the gift of the three dragon eggs that would hatch and change the world. Something the family members mentioned often.   The Mopatis Family has little to do with Westerosi politics up until the now head of the family, Horro Mopatis became a Magistrate.   An ambitious man, he too backs the Targaryens as his ancestor once did. Keeping with the traditions of fueling their goals.   During many of the conflicts Pentos often offers a soft support for them in the form of Loans and bailouts, the most coming during the reign of Visenya I during their invasions of Essos. It is during this time that Pentoshi reputation comes to an all time low in Essos. Becoming known as traitors, while Horro receives the nickname "The Banker".   It also sees their ties to Westeros continue, with Horro's daughter Ellyria marrying Lord Sigfried Swann "The Black Swann".   Thought they had backed the First Queen duly and dutifully, the promises they were offered for their support were neglected. Horro, a prideful man felt duped and done over. He vowed that he would get his dues one way or another.   Despite offering deals to the Queen for the repayment of the loans and deals, none was received and Pentos switched sides. Aiding Revan Blackfyre and his Essosi-Northern Led coalition against Visenyra.   Though victory came, with the death of the Queen at the hands of Horro's son, Aelyx Mopatis, as well as King Otho Bracken taking Kings Landing. Myr's invasion of Pentoshi land ruined the families dreams... though a man like Horro is rarely beaten.   During the chaos, Horro and his Windblown allies, lead by his son Aelyx, infiltrated the besieged Pentos and took the many influential men by forces. Those who swore him as Prince for life and his son as heir lived. Those who did not? Found the edge of the blade Qoy Samvi.   This act, though seeing Pentos lose the war, saw the Mopatis Family become a true dynasty with the power of Pentos truly in their hands.
House Sigil

Manuscript, Historical


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