House Poole

Hereditary Titles

  • Lords of The Pools


  • The Stoney Shore
    • The Pools
    • Fisherman's Reach
  Similarly to House Mormont, House Poole was almost made extinct during the second Long Night. Jeyne Poole, a dear friend of Sansa Stark in their youth, was the only survivor of the great crisis. Though unlike House Mormont, they would have great luck in repopulating their household. And as House Mormont grew, they too rose to a newfound prominence.   The sons of Jeyne Poole would go on to have many children of their own, and now House Poole is one of the farthest from being extinct in the present day. Though because of their troubled history, the Lords of House Poole now have a tendency to care deeply for their own people. Taxes are kept at a minimum in most cases unless a time of war or other crisis is upon the Kingdom, and those who struggle to produce or buy their own food are often given food purchased by the lord. People rarely go hungry in the lands of the Stoney Shore, and because of this the population of the region steadily increased. These days, it is nearly the most populous territory along the North's western coast, second only to the Rills.   House Poole now controls much of the Stoney Shore region, all of it that is not considered part of the Stoney Shipyard project. They gained the rights to these lands as part of their contribution to the Stoney Shipyard starting from when it was first planned back in 408 AC. The large population of the Stoney Shore has been mobilized as a workforce to speed along the construction of the shipyard being built into the cliffside and along the shore. The workers are almost entirely volunteers being paid in part by Maria Mormont and in part by Lord Poole. No one knows how much each of them is contributing to the workers' payments, but altogether it is seemingly enough to entice many people into doing the back breaking work.
House Sigil

Strong Deeds, Gentle Words
The North
The Pools
Manuscript, Historical


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