House Woods

Hereditary Titles

  • Lords of Woodworth Hall
  • Masters of the Ironwood Plantation


  • Woods Wolfswood
    • Woodworth Hall
    • The Great Oak Forest
  • The Ironwood Plantation
    • Northwestern Ironwood Grove | "The Saltwood Grove"
    • Northeastern Ironwood Grove | "The Direwood Grove"
    • Eastern Ironwood Grove | "The Bloodwood Grove"
    • Southern Ironwood Grove| "The Stonewood Grove"
    • Western Ironwood Grove | "The Scalewood Grove"
  House Woods was long considered little more than a clan, one of the smallest houses of the North in all regards from population to influence. The one advantage they have had was the protection of House Glover, who acknowledged them as the rightful owners of the rather large forest of oak trees where their seat of power remains to this day. Even now, Woodworth Hall is not exceptionally large or extravagant, having been built from the surrounding oak trees and comprising of mostly just a large feasting hall and a small household for the Woods family. But despite this, they are actually one of the most influential families sworn to House Mormont in the current era.   Granted stewardship over the newly started Ironwood Plantation by Lord Jeor Mormont and guided by Forrester knowledge in the art of proper ironwood cultivation, House Woods has quickly become the second largest producer of ironwood in the entirety of the Kingdom, second only to House Forrester themselves and steadily closing the gap between the two. Most of this ironwood goes on to supply the ship building and repairs needed for the Ironwood fleet, and this constant demand for their newfound supply along with their already large production of oak has made House Woods an important part of the Northwestern economy.
House Sigil

Remember Thy Roots
The North
Woodsworth Hall
Manuscript, Historical


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