Joanna Handy

Lady Joanna Handy

Character Info

Lady Joanna Handy, the matriarch of House Handy, stands as a towering figure in the annals of Westerosi politics and society. At the remarkable age of 89, she remains a formidable force, her sharp mind undimmed by the passage of time. With a diplomatic prowess honed over decades, Lady Joanna navigates the intricate webs of power with a finesse that commands respect from peers and rivals alike.   Having witnessed the ebb and flow of generations, Lady Joanna's memory spans a breadth of history few can match. She recalls meeting the aging King Jon Snow when she was a mere five years old, a testament to her enduring presence in the realms of power.   Lady Joanna Handy's indomitable spirit and keen intellect were tested to their limits during the tumultuous era known as the Century of Blood in Westeros. Following the death of King Jon Snow, the realm plunged into chaos and strife, with warlords vying for power and kingdoms fracturing into warring factions. Amidst the carnage and devastation, Lady Joanna bore witness to the darkest depths of human nature.   Surviving the Century of Blood required more than mere resilience—it demanded cunning, adaptability, and an unwavering resolve. Lady Joanna navigated the treacherous political landscape with a deftness born of experience, forging alliances when necessary and outmaneuvering adversaries with calculated precision.   Despite her advanced years, Lady Joanna continues to lead House Handy with unwavering efficiency, maintaining order and stability within her domain. Her son, Robert Handy, may approach his seventieth year, yet he defers to his mother's wisdom and guidance, their bond a testament to the enduring strength of family ties.   Among Lady Joanna's greatest joys is her relationship with her grandson, Aegor Handy, and his children, Tyanna and Ezra. Their familial bond serves as a cornerstone of House Handy's legacy, forging connections that transcend generations and bind the family together in unity and strength.  

Current Role


Family Ties

Immediate Family
Extended Family
House Sigil

By Stone and Sea
House Handy
Year of Birth
332 AC 90 Years old

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