Lucas Rivers Character in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil

Lucas Rivers

Ser, Lord Commander Lucas Rivers

Related Character Bio

Born the bastard son of a miller near Riverrun, Lucas Rivers was a shy lad who became a valiant knight. After he was conscripted into Lord Otho Bracken's army, he fought at the Siege of Wyndhall in the Westerlands during the War of Northern Aggression. There he displayed several acts of bravery, even saving the life of Lord Jonos Bracken, the brother of Otho. For this, Jonos Bracken knighted Lucas and took him under his wing.   After several years of service, Ser Lucas decided to venture out into the world as a hedge knight. After traveling to King's Landing, this errand knight made his way to Braavos to sell his sword to the Sea lord and made his way back to Westeros after the city fell. After winning a small tournament at Oldtown, he was hired by Lord Alester Florent as a landed knight, where he fought for House Florent at the Battle of Old Oak in 420 AC. He is very skilled with a mace and short sword and is quite accomplished on horseback.
Player (Current)
Year of Birth
392 AC 29 Years old


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