Season 4, Turn 41

Days 1 - 15 of the Ninth Moon, 421 AC

General Summary

What's Jaehaera Up to Now?

  House Targaryen | Kingdom of the Andals | Steffi the Redhead
A fleet is setting sail from Dragonstone. It looks like war ships. But isn't Jaehaera in Pinkmaiden flirting... I mean ... preparing a joust? So who is it? Who is commanding these ships? And where are they headed? Surely to support the war in the Vale right?   A rumor around the fishermen is that Jaehaera's dad has risen again. The madman that everyone thought would die within the month has plundered the treasury, hired pirates and mercenaries and would sail to search for revenge.   But where to? Pentos has already fallen. Even Myr is but a fragment of its former glory. Everything has changed in the last few years.   Free City of Myr | Scotland's BEST
Please, I encourage the pirates to sail and break the blockade at Myr. If you break the blockade you'll be paid generously for the effort.

All Eyes on the Vale, Continued

  House Banefort | Kingdom of the Andals | Nyron
The Iron Fleet: Battle in the Summer Sea   Lord Tyrus Banefort surveyed the expansive deck of his flagship as it was en route to Blackwater Bay upon order of King Otho Bracken, as the wind whipped through his hair. The salty air filled his lungs, and the creaking of wood and flapping of sails echoed in his ears. The Iron Fleet numbers strong, all bearing the emblem of House Banefort: a hooded man, black on grey, within a fiery treasure.   Something felt off. The air seemed heavier than usual, and the sea was choppier than it had any right to be, emitting a mist not normal.   Tyrus signaled to his ship captains, indicating something was not right. The crews, mostly all seasoned warriors, tensed as they prepared for whatever was to come. Suddenly, the horizon exploded in a flurry of activity. Pirate ships, sails billowing with the Summer Island's colors, emerged from the mist, surrounding the Iron Fleet.   The pirate vessels were slow and bulky, a stark contrast to the ironclad longships of the Iron Fleet. Yet, for all their sheer power, they lacked the speed and nimbleness that the Iron Fleet brought to bear. The pirate leader, a man named Crimson Claw, was a legend in the Summer Islands, known for his brutal tactics and fiery red hair. His ship, the Dragon's Wrath, led the charge, cutting through the waves with a ferocity that matched its name.   The battle was fierce and unrelenting. Arrows whistled through the air, and the clang of steel on steel rang out across the water. The pirates attempted to board the Iron Dawn, the flagship of the Iron Fleet, but Tyrus and his men were ready. They met the boarders with a wall of shields and swords, pushing them back into the sea. Tyrus directed his ships to form a defensive crescent, the pointed ends facing outward to prevent the pirate ships from breaking their line.   The battle became chaotic as ships careened around each other, sailors leaping from one vessel to another in brutal hand-to-hand combat. Crimson Claw tried to rally his forces, but it was already too late. The tide of battle had turned against them. Tyrus rounded the corner, engaging Crimson Claw in combat. A fierce fight ensued, with Tyrus gaining the upper hand and striking a fatal blow straight through the Crimson Claw’s neck.   As Tyrus pulled his sword from the pirate’s neck, the Iron Fleet’s relentless assault had wore down the pirate fleet. As the last of the pirate vessels sunk, Tyrus allowed himself a small smile of victory. He walked along the deck of his flagship, his gaze taking in the carnage before him. Bodies of the pirates staining the sea red. It was a grim reminder of the cost of battle, but a necessary action to take to prevent them from harming anyone in the future.   Tyrus turned to address his men, “Well done, men. Your bravery and skill has ridden this sea of a great danger. Tend to the wounded, tend to the fallen, and prepare for the journey ahead. We will not rest until we reach Blackwater Bay.”

Dothraki Seas, Continued

  Host RP | Jack Handy
~ Riders are sent North, towards Myr and Pentos from Nudho the main camp of the Sellsword group known as the Company of the Cat.   There may be an opportunity for our mercenaries to help defend against these savage beasts... if the price is right.   Khal Hazdahn | Eddy
The Invasion of Pentos, Part I   *The Hazdahn and Essaria hordes merged in the Daggerfields after razing the massive but undefended fortifications erected during a war long past. Despite years of war the city of Pentos remained nearly undefended! Screams of horses and women rise into the sun as the Dothraki begin to break camp. Ritual duels are common among merging hordes as a new pecking order is established. A small strike force of Dothraki rides full tilt into the Great Market of Pentos, smashing stalls and breaking windows. At a barked order from their Captain, they cease their destruction and begin looting. There are no defenders in sight, though the city itself appears to be manned. The horde approaches.*   Free City of Myr | Scotland's BEST
When your old swords are bent and broken and in repair, you turn to new swords. And thus the great city of Myr has elected to hire soldiers of fortune who are up to the task of defending what we hold dear.   Host RP | Jack Handy
The price will be high but we will not disappoint in combat Company of the Cat.

True Gods of Lorath

  Free City of Lorath | Sentry
Illan reviewed the note once more before journeying into his estates courtyard. Despite the full moon, a thick fog obscured much of his garden. He checked again for the small dagger on his belt and then approached the fountain. The old Valyrian fountain was the centerpiece of the courtyard and was the chosen spot for the secret meeting.   “Senator Illan, pleasure to make your acquaintance.” The gruff voice belonged to a hooded figure. The strangers' heavy cloak obscured their body shape, making it even harder to identify them.   “Can't say the same to you, stranger. If you wish for this meeting to continue identify yourself or at least who you are affiliated with.” Illan had determined that the man represented a local group. Despite all the secrecy, the stranger couldn't hide his Lorathi accent. What he couldn't determine was if the man was trying to further incriminate him. If a conspiracy charge was added to his record, it could be grounds for actual imprisonment or worse the gallows.   “It's best that my identity stays hidden for now. At least until we know you to be friend or foe. As for my affiliation, I serve the true Gods of Lorath.” The stranger cautiously approached the fountain taking a seat facing away from Illan.   “Then we are enemies, no? Alon Ostin branded me a traitor for bringing the Baleish army to Lorath.” Illan maintained a calm demeanor as he slowly began to draw his dagger.   “I won't deny it, Senator. I believe we both still stand on opposing sides. This just happens to be a rare case where our interests overlap. We both wish to one day rule Lorath, but if the city is destroyed…” Illan interrupted the stranger.   “You must have forgotten that my granddaughter is married to a Lord of the Vale. I have heard rumors to the effect of your zealots plotting to kill her for this exact reason!” Illan realized he was becoming too loud and took a moment to compose himself.   “You have some nerve seeking help from me after threatening my family.” As he finished speaking, the stranger rose to his feet.   “Again Senator we are not asking for an alliance. We simply desire that our shared prize not be destroyed.” The stranger left a note on his side of the fountain, then disappeared into the fog again.

Unrest in King's Landing

  Host RP | Jack Handy
Wars had ravaged both Westeros and Essos for years, exacting a heavy toll on the land and its people. With autumn officially declared by the Maesters in Oldtown, food supplies grew scarcer by the day. The once-bountiful fields of the Reach, the Kingdom's breadbasket, were already strained. The situation in King's Landing was particularly dire. Most of the Royal armies had marched to the Vale, leaving the city's administration and safety in the hands of the King's brother, Lord Jonos Bracken.   The spark of unrest was ignited by a seemingly small incident: a young man accused of stealing bread in Cobbler's Square   Arrested by the city watch, he was later found beaten to death in his cell, his assailant unknown. The news spread like wildfire among the smallfolk, fanning the flames of their long-simmering discontent.   One fateful evening, a patrol of city watch guards was ambushed by an enraged mob in Flea Bottom. Overwhelmed by sheer numbers and trapped in a narrow alleyway, the guards were brutally slain. Their armor and weapons were seized by the mob, who then attacked two more patrols, growing stronger with each assault.   The uprising seemed to be led by a man called Thomas the Tailor, a man whose outward appearance belied his dangerous past. At around 45 years of age, "Thomas" owned a successful clothing shop in the city and appeared to be a mild-mannered gentleman. In reality, he was a former assassin who had served Queen Visenya Targaryen's royal family, working under the infamous Master of Whispers, Lord Viceroy Richard Pryor. Thomas had led soldiers into battle and executed many covert operations, making him a formidable leader. His motives for leading this civil rebellion remained shrouded in mystery.   At dawn, the grim news reached the ears of Lord Commander of the Kingsguard Lucas Rivers and Lord Jonos Bracken. The city stood on the brink of chaos, and decisive action was imperative to quell the uprising and restore order before it spiraled out of control.


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