Maella Velaryon Character in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil

Maella Velaryon

Princess, Queen Maella Targaryen- Velaryon


Maella Velaryon, a figure of grace and complex emotions, navigated her life within the tumultuous era known as the Century of Blood with a resilience and depth that belied her outwardly shy demeanor. Born to Alarra Massey and Aethan Velaryon, Maella was thrust from an early age into the intricate web of alliances that defined the political landscape of Westeros, her family staunchly loyal to the dwindling power of House Targaryen. Her marriage to Aegor Targaryen, a union that seemed predestined by the shared blood and history of their houses, would both define and challenge her in the years to come.   Maella's early life on Driftmark was marked by the strong ties between House Velaryon and House Targaryen, a relationship that was both a blessing and a burden. The arranged marriage to Aegor, while reinforcing these ties, also cast her into a role that demanded sacrifices and resilience. Maella, despite her shy nature, possessed a willful spirit, enabling her to navigate her duties as wife and mother with a quiet strength. Her love for Aegor was genuine, yet it was a love that was tested by the long years of separation as Aegor fought battles across Essos and later, planned his grand invasion of Westeros.   The transition to life in the Red Keep following the conquest of King's Landing was a source of deep unhappiness for Maella, as her husband insisted that her and the children live at Maegor's Holdfast. She longed for the familiarity and solitude of Dragonstone, a place that, for her, was synonymous with peace and a semblance of normalcy amidst the chaos of her husband's ambitions. Ultimately, she chose to return to Dragonstone, preferring its isolation and the company of her servants and septas to the alienating grandeur of the Red Keep. It was on Dragonstone that she found solace, and where she was able to be most herself, especially in the company of her beloved children, Visyena and Lucaelarr Targaryen, during their visits.   Maella's life, however, was to end in tragedy. In 398 AC, the realm mourned the loss of their queen, believing her death to be the result of a tragic accident when she fell from a tower at Dragonstone. Yet, whispers within the castle walls suggested a far more somber truth—that the queen, overwhelmed by a profound despair, had taken her own life. This belief, though closely guarded, cast a shadow over her legacy, transforming her death from a mere accident into a poignant symbol of the personal toll exacted by the weight of crown and duty.   Maella Velaryon's biography is a tapestry of duty, love, and solitude, a story of a woman who, despite the constraints of her role and the challenges of her time, sought to carve out a space for herself and her values. Her life serves as a reminder of the often unseen struggles that lay behind the facade of royalty, and her death, a tragic testament to the personal sacrifices made in the shadow of power and ambition.  

Family Ties

Immediate Family
Targaryen Family Tree.png
House Sigil

The Old, The True, The Brave
Date of Birth
11th of Tenth Moon
Date of Death
20th of Eleventh Moon
351 AC 398 AC 47 years old
Circumstances of Death
Accident - Fell from castle window


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