Maester Yadel Character in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil

Maester Yadel

Maester Yadel

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Maester Yadel, devoted his scholarly prowess to shaping the destiny of Alexander Bracken, a luminary emerging in the heart of the Riverlands. His tenure at the Citadel in Oldtown laid the foundation for a profound understanding of ancient medicines and scientific wisdom, molding him into a maester of unparalleled knowledge.   In the realm of the Riverlands, Alexander Bracken stood as a paragon of intellect and passion, attributes meticulously cultivated under the guidance of Maester Yadel. A stern mentor, Yadel instilled in Alexander a relentless commitment to justice and order, sculpting him into a polymathic prodigy.   The noble upbringing of Alexander unfolded into a tapestry of diverse skills—literature, musical mastery with the lyre, equestrian finesse, martial prowess, and the artistry of the hunt. This multidimensional education reflected the conscientious efforts of Maester Yadel, who saw beyond the veneer of regality to nurture a well-rounded heir.   Yet, beneath the majestic facade, a haunting secret shadowed Alexander's existence. The cruel specter of leprosy silently plagued him from a young age, a clandestine burden concealed within the sanctum of the Royal family. Unfazed by the pain that should have accompanied such an affliction, Alexander bore the silent mark of an ongoing struggle, known only to a select few, shrouding the burgeoning leader in a cloak of enigma. Always by his side and always researching ways to cure the young Prince, Maester Yadel is a man of unmatched knowledge and kindness.
Kingdom of the Andals
Player (Current)
Jack Handy
Year of Birth
355 AC 66 Years old
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