Season 4, Turn 23 Report in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil

Season 4, Turn 23

Days 1 - 15 of the Twelfth Moon, 420 AC

General Summary

A New Conquest for the Andals

  House Bracken | Kingdom of the Andals | Jack Handy
The Weight (Alexander’s Farewell)   The dim candle light flickered in the chamber, casting shadows on Alexander Bracken's weary face. His eyes, burdened by the weight of impending battle, lingered on Lady Jenelle and the sleeping form of Aegor Rivers cradled in her arms. The air was thick with unspoken farewells, a somber dance between love and the brutal inevitability of conflict.   Alexander looked back down towards his desk and finished the letter he'd been working on. He signed it and handed it over to the Maester. “Make sure this raven reaches Lys and Master Rogare, my friend,” Alexander gives the man a stern look.   “At once, my Prince,” the robed maester bows and quickly leaves the room.   Jenelle, a commoner by birth but the keeper of Alexander's heart, looked up at him with eyes reflecting both love and concern. In the hushed moments before dawn, he pressed a tender kiss upon her forehead, the warmth of his lips lingering like a promise.   "I love you, Jenelle," he whispered, the words carrying the weight of uncertainty, a melody of devotion in the face of impending peril. Her gaze held his, a silent acknowledgment of the sacrifices that nobility demanded.   Turning his attention to the slumbering Aegor, the bastard son he cherished more than the realm could fathom, Alexander bent down. His lips brushed against the child's innocent forehead, a gesture laden with unspoken affection. "Sleep well, my little prince. Your father fights for a better world, one where your future is not bound by the shadows of illegitimacy."   As he rose to his feet, the armor of a noble heir clinking softly, Alexander cast one last lingering look at the hearth that warmed his heart. "I will return, my loves. No matter the odds, I will return," he vowed, the words a solemn oath that hung in the air as he departed into the predawn darkness, leaving behind the embrace of love for the cold steel of war.
The Calm Before (Preparing at Lemonwood)   In the well lit Grand Hall of Castle Lemonwood, the air heavy with the scent of ripe lemons, incense and the feast before them, Alexander sat at the high table, his gaze fixed on the flickering candlelight. Lord David Fossoway "the Red," a seasoned warrior with a weathered face, joined him. The feast was a blend of laughter and music, a deceptive calm before the storm.   Lord David's eyes bore the weight of battles long past, and as the wine flowed, he spoke of the grim truths that lay hidden beneath the veneer of glory.   "Alexander," he began, his voice laden with the bitterness of experience, "war is not the heroic tale the bards sing, I know you are aware of this. The tales of your change at Hasty Hall is already legendary," he leaned in closer to the Prince.   Alexander sighed as he responded, "It was actually the Battle of the Bronzegate where I lead the charge, but somehow the story was distorted, perhaps the Hero of Hasty Hall sounds better," Alexander rolled his eyes.   David continued, "War, my Prince... It's a cruel master that takes more than it gives. I've seen men broken, their spirits shattered by the brutality of conflict."   As the revelry continued around them, Lord David painted a vivid picture of the horrors he witnessed during the War of Summer's End, sparing no detail. The stench of blood-soaked fields, the anguished cries of the wounded, and the haunting silence that followed each clash of steel. "In war, victories come at a cost, and the toll is often paid in the currency of shattered souls. Remember this, Alexander, as we set sail for the Stepstones. It's not just castles you conquer but the darkness within yourself."   Alexander listened, his eyes narrowing as the weight of David's words settled upon him. The feasting crowd faded into the background, leaving only the echoes of war in his mind. The air became charged with a palpable tension as if the ghosts of battles past lingered in the shadows.   Days later, as the fleet set sail from the shores of Dorne, the haunting words of Lord David Fossoway lingered like an ominous prelude to the impending clash. The Stepstones awaited, a treacherous sea rife with hidden perils and secrets of old.

Vengeance of House Pryor, Continued

  Brittlefang | Thenns | Mista Sista
Pulling into the port of White Harbor is a large trading vessel displaying the insignia of a diplomatic mission. On the top deck, Brittlefang leans heavily on the railing, observing the City he had never expected to see again. He saw dockworkers milling about, but not as many as he expected for the massive trading port. The loud music and noise of raucous crowds he heard in the distance confirmed his suspicions: he had arrived during a festival!   For a moment he wondered if this could all be for him, but quickly pushed the thought out of his mind when he noticed colorful banners adorned with human figures. Most predominant of the figures was an older woman nurturing a babe, adorned in green robes and surrounded by nature. The Mother, he remarked. Despite himself, he did pick up a thing or two from Lady Corbray’s lessons.   As he stepped off the boat, he quickly spotted his friend and confidant, General Greta Cavebear. After such a long absence, they embraced each other fully before discussing the current state of things.

The North Expands, Continued

  Gronson | Frostfang | rven
With the crisis over Magnar Gronson and his family will travel to Winterfell to take their oaths of fealty to the Queen of the North.

The Holy Hundred's Hollow Sanctuary, Continued

  High Septa Caelia | Shinigami Knight
***Event of the Faith: The building of the Greatest Sept***   Story 3/3: The build has begun..Long Tom’s Quest:   In the face of mounting unrest among his workers, Lord Long Tom Costayne turns to prayer within the sept, seeking solace and divine guidance from the Faith of the Seven. His fervent pleas echo through the sacred space, beseeching the higher powers for wisdom to resolve the challenges before him.   As the prayers linger in the air, a mysterious manifestation, akin to the Stranger, emerges near the construction site. Initially interpreted as a divine response to Lord Long Tom's entreaties, the shadowy figure starts targeting the leaders of the worker's opposition. This appears to be a boon for Long Tom, aligning with the sacrifices made by Princess Jaehaera in her quest for materials and the decisive actions taken by Alexander Bracken in dealing with the bandits.   However, the true orchestrator behind this supernatural intervention is unveiled when Long Tom investigates the matter further. Through a series of inquiries, he discovers that the shadowy figure is manipulated by the vengeful leader of the thieves, harboring resentment from Alexander's betrayal.   With this revelation, Long Tom faces a dilemma. He recognizes the need to address the worker's concerns while also contending with the disruptive influence of the vengeful thieves' leader, who seeks to undermine the construction.   Now faced with a critical decision:   Option 1: Embrace the Stranger's Influence
Option 2: Reject the Stranger's Influence
Option 3: Address the issue face-to-face   House Costayne | Kingdom of the Andals | sandman
Long Tom decides to address the issue face to face. He fears upsetting The Seven by rejecting the Stranger.

Couriers of Pentos

  House Swann | Kingdom of the Andals | PatMagroyn
A bevy of courier ships set sail from Pentos. Despite the dangers of the Narrows, and piracy that abounds due to the Myrish-Pentoshi War, they navigate the waters with clear intent. They sail in a number of ways, each splitting off into small groups. Where their destinations are is a mystery to even some of their crew.

Dothraki Seas, Continued

  Free City of Norvos | Sentry
The Expedition had finally made the crossing of the Narrow Sea back to Braavos. Illan allowed for a brief leave in the colony so his soldiers could rest and the fleet could receive minor repairs. The new professional army had been ordered to the mainland to reinforce the gathering militia on their border with Norvos.   The Senate's official orders were to block Hazdhan Khalasar from moving north. The Admiral hoped to convince the senate to intervene and prevent the sacking of Norvos. The Northern Campaign had been expensive but ignoring Norvos would only bring more instability to Essos.


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