Mason Oakheart Character in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil

Mason Oakheart

Lord of Old Oak Mason Oakheart (a.k.a. The White Knight)


Mason Oakheart, later revered as the White Knight, emerged from the annals of history as one of the most formidable and revered knights of King Aegor I Targaryen's Kingsguard. His prowess in battle and leadership were unmatched, earning him a place of honor and legend in the lore of Westeros. Born to Ser Viktor Oakheart, the Knight of Old Oak, and Lady Maria Rowan, Mason was imbued from a young age with the chivalric values and martial skills that would define his life and legacy.   Mason's journey into knighthood began in his youth, squiring for Lord Eric Serry, under whose tutelage he honed his skills in combat and developed an understanding of leadership and strategy that would serve him well throughout his career. His natural talent and dedication to the knightly virtues of courage, honor, and loyalty quickly distinguished him among his peers.   As the first son of a noble house, Mason was not only expected to carry on his family's legacy but also to elevate it through acts of valor and service. His eventual induction into the Kingsguard of Aegor I Targaryen was a testament to his exceptional abilities and the high regard in which he was held by the realm. Within the Kingsguard, Mason was recognized as the deadliest among the seven knights, a title that spoke volumes of his skill, especially considering the caliber of his companions.   Lord Henry Weber, a contemporary and fellow warrior, hailed Mason as the pinnacle of knighthood, both in combat and character. Lucaelarr Targaryen, who harbored a deep admiration for Mason, acknowledged that despite his own royal blood and training, Mason would always be the better knight. This sentiment was echoed by Kevin Baratheon, who also recognized Mason as an efficient commander, highlighting his strategic acumen and ability to inspire and lead men in the heat of battle.   The true measure of Mason's prowess came to light in his duels with Prince Aegar Targaryen. The two were evenly matched when both wielded regular swords, a testament to Mason's exceptional skill given Aegar's own legendary status. However, it was widely believed that had Mason been armed with a Valyrian steel sword, he would have surpassed Aegar, underscoring the critical role of both skill and the quality of one's blade in the art of combat.   Tragically, Mason's illustrious career and life were cut short during the siege of Horn Hill. Leading the charge to breach the castle's defenses, Mason's bravery and leadership were in full display until a stray arrow ended his life. His death marked a profound loss for the Kingsguard, the Targaryen regime, and the realm at large.   Mason Oakheart's legacy as the White Knight endures, not only as a symbol of the pinnacle of knighthood but also as a reminder of the personal sacrifices and the heavy toll exacted in the pursuit of honor, duty, and loyalty. His life and deeds continue to inspire generations, embodying the ideal to which all knights aspire.  

Family Ties

Immediate Family
Targaryen Family Tree.png
House Sigil


Our Roots Go Deep
Date of Birth
27th of Twelth Moon
Date of Death
26th of Eighth Moon
370 AC 398 AC 28 years old
Circumstances of Death
Combat - Killed in battle


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