Johnathan Oakheart Character in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil

Johnathan Oakheart

Lord of Old Oak, Key Holder of the Rogare Bank Johnathan Oakheart (a.k.a. Jack, Oak, The Green Knight, The Pride of Old Oak, Jack the Bard)


In the annals of Westeros, the name Johnathan Oakheart echoed through the corridors of time like a haunting melody. For more than a decade, the man known only as Jack, endured the shadows of captivity under the ominous Revan Blackfyre, his life a melodic blend of servitude in the kitchens and serenades in the Valyrian warlord's tent. Yet, behind the dulcet tones lay a mind sharpened by history and quill, for Jack was not merely a bard – he was a historian, chronicling the epic tale of King Aegor Targaryen's Reconquest of Westeros. In his youth, Jack was trained in the art of war and poetry, learning the ins and outs of being a proper Lord. But as he grew, so did his interest and love for the arts, particularly in writing. Books, poems, and plays, no matter the subject, young Jack would write for hours in his room, dreading his training with the Master at Arms at Old Oak. It wasn't until his brother, Lord Mason Oakheart, was killed during the Reconquest that Jack realized the importance of the sword. Mason Oakheart was considered the Greatest Knight during the decade long campaign by King Aegor, with Oakheart fighting in most of his victories. The overwhelming sadness this brought to House Oakheart was at times unbearable. This tragic event also meant that Jack was now expecting to become the Head of his House, something that he never thought would be an issue.   In 409 AC, Jack's ship was attacked sailing through the Stepstone Islands by the Golden Company and Jack was kidnapped. Back home in the West, it was believed that Jack was dead, lost to the sea. His journey meandered through Essos, entwined with the legendary Black Swann, Siegfried Swann, a companion in both music and mischief. In a pivotal moment, Jack orchestrated a symphony of revenge, setting ablaze the tent that held Revan Blackfyre captive, liberating himself and claiming the infamous Blackfyre sword.   The echoes of his triumph resounded in 419 AC when Jack emerged victorious in the Melee at Oldtown, his blade dancing to the rhythm of fate. However, the sweet taste of triumph soured when he purposefully slew Lord Edward Ryswell, driven by a vendetta sparked by the lord's disparaging words against the departed Siegfried Swann.   As shadows lengthened, Jack Oakheart became a harbinger of discord, blamed by many for igniting the flames of the War of Summer. The killing blow struck at a Parley, where Lord Adam Serry met his demise at Jack's hands. Whispers hinted at a darker motivation – the defense of his niece, Maegan Targaryen, from alleged sexual threats.   The crescendo of Jack's life reached its tragic climax in 420 AC during the Battle of Old Oak. A duel against Otho Bracken painted a macabre masterpiece on the canvas of history, as Oakheart fell, his melody silenced, leaving behind a legacy etched in the blood-stained pages of Westerosi lore.  

Family Ties

Immediate Family
Extended Family
Targaryen Family Tree.png
House Sigil


Our Roots Grow Deep
Jack Handy
Date of Death
2nd Fortnight of the Second Moon
384 AC 420 AC 36 years old
Circumstances of Death
Killed during a skirmish by Otho Bracken


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