Raynald Smallwood Character in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil

Raynald Smallwood

Ser Raynald Smallwood

Related Character Bio

Ser Raynald Smallwood, a stoic figure with weathered armor and a silent resolve, stands as Alexander Bracken's uncle in the shadow of House Bracken's intricate alliances. Born of the noble blood that flows through Lady Eryn Smallwood's veins, Raynald emerges as a stalwart supporter of his ailing nephew. Unfazed by the specter of leprosy that haunts young Alexander, Ser Raynald remains an unwavering pillar, treating the lad with a rare grace that transcends the societal norms.   A master of the martial arts, Ser Raynald is a knight of few words, preferring the clangor of steel and the solitude of the hunt to the comforts of a soft bed. His seasoned hands have honed their skills for decades, and his loyalty has been a constant thread woven into the tapestry of House Bracken's history. For over two score years, he has held the title of Master at Arms, serving Otho Bracken and his lineage with unwavering dedication.   Pledging himself to his brother-in-law and the newly anointed Royal Family, Ser Raynald Smallwood stands as a silent guardian, a symbol of unyielding loyalty in the turbulent political landscape of Westeros.  

Family Ties

Immediate Family
  • Sister: Eryn Smallwood
Extended Family
Targaryen Family Tree.png
House Sigil

From These Beginnings
Kingdom of the Andals
Player (Current)
Jack Handy
Date of Death
1st Half of Second Moon, 421 AC
368 AC 421 AC 53 years old
Circumstances of Death
Killed at the Battle of Bloodstone


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