Season 4, Turn 17 Report in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil

Season 4, Turn 17

Days 1 - 15 of the Ninth Moon, 420 AC

General Summary

White Cloak Tournament

  Game Maker RP | Jack Handy
The War of the White Cloak Tournament is about to begin...!

Dothraki Seas, Continued

  Free City of Pentos | ~TSK~ SteenB11
To the Esteemed Khal Furo Hazdahn,   I shall introduce myself, I am Horro Mopatis. I do not know if you remember me. It was a passing occurrence when I hosted members of your Khalasar at my own personal Manse.   I wish to speak to you, leader to leader, to determine the future. You wish for glory and gold. I can give you both.
  Khal Hazdahn | Eddy
Greetings Magistrate Mopatis. The Dothraki will indeed meet with you. Our travels will shortly bring us nearby

Help of the Seven

  High Septa Caelia | Shinigami Knight
Beloved faithful of the Seven,   We extend our heartfelt greetings and blessings to you all. Today, we received a plea for help from Cassella Allyrion of Southern Dorne. Her father and brother have mysteriously fallen ill, and the shadows of uncertainty loom over their lives.   In response to this urgent call, Septa Caelia has personally advised and dispatched our most skilled healer, Septon Alastair, to aid House Allyrion in their time of need. With the recent joining of the faith of House Costayne and House Uller, the paths leading through those territories have become safer and more accessible.   In a race against time, Septon Alastair is rushing to provide support and healing to the afflicted members of House Allyrion. We beseech the benevolence of the One to guide his hands and bring solace to those in pain.   We ask for your prayers and thoughts to accompany Septon Alastair on this noble mission. May the light of the Seven shine upon House Allyrion, bringing healing and hope to their troubled abode.   With unwavering faith,
— High Septa Caelia
  House Uller | Kingdom of Summerhall | {N.W.} Rasche
Septa Jeyne of the Sept in Sandstone will provide all assistance to the traveling healer. She will guide her congregation and advise House Uller of the plight of their neighbors, and urge prayers to the Seven to aid in the healing.

Vengeance of House Pryor, Continued

  House Corbray | Kingdom of the Vale | Prince Nyunyu
-PART 2-   Ser Arrinor remained as Castelar of Ramsgate after the first try from Flint's army to retake the castle. Now he was the higher authority at the castle.   The walls of the castle were breached and even though the soldiers of the Vale tried to repair some parts with wood, it wasn't enough to avoid getting breached again if the enemy sent another attack. Also, there were rumors that the main army of Lady Flint was moving towards them from Widow's Watch.   It was a complicated situation. However Ser Arrinor had his objectives clear: Do not waste blood, and do not lose the castle to the enemies. That was the battle he had to fight.   He washed his wounds of the first Northern War, wounds that almost killed him. People knew about his head wound, but they didn't know about the wounds on his arms and torso due to the cold temperatures. Since then, his skin had become darker and darker, and smelled worse than the dead bodies. Ser Arrinor the Stinky, the called him. However the worst was the name of Ser Arrinor the Fool, as if his mind could have been injured by an arrow. However he has always seen life different than the rest of mortals.   He got dressed up, covering all his injuries, and praising his status as a member of House Corbray. He went to the yard and explained his plan to the soldiers. Some doubted, some obeyed, and some were totally against, however they will follow the orders of the Ser.   When the night was falling almost all the soldiers had emptied the castle and crossed the bridge of the Broken Branch. To them Ser Arrinor said:   "Remember that we lose this castle, but we advance in this war. You will return to the Vale and say you defeated a larger army than yours without dropping a single drop of blood." Moments later, Ser Arrinor’s ships were burning and then followed the castle of Ramsgate. Over time, the most loyal of Ser Arrinor’s soldiers, those who had started the fires, went to the bridge and were dismissed by the Ser himself. When the last of them crossed, the Ser lit the bridge, staying alone on the western side of the river.   Not so long after, the castle collapsed and the Flint Army reached the burned bridge with the Ser standing with the help of his walking stick and laughing. "How can you be defeated without even fighting?" he said laughing, even though he was alone in front of an army.   This incident would quickly be known as the Burning of Ramsgate.   From the approximately 40,000 men of House Flint, only 18,000 survived. From the approximately 34,000 of House Corbray only 13,000 survived, however the army was disbanded.   The Fleet of Ser Arrinor was destroyed.   The Castle of Ramsgate and the bridge of the Broken Branch were destroyed.   Ser Arrinor, the Fool, was the only soldier captured.   House Flint | Kingdom of the North | Anathelius
Calian Flint watched the burning fleet and castle. A Tower collapsed spewing flames and embers high into the night air while next to her the Fool continued laughing. Turing to regard the captured Knight she said nothing and just watched the man laugh.   For a while all that pierced the silence of the night was the occasional collapse of a tower or building and the laughter of the man on the ground. As the sun started to breach the horizon and the first rays of light fell upon the flint encampment, Calian ordered the army to pack up and begin to move.   Lord Whitewood, who had commanded the attack upon Ramsgate, approached Calian and asked, "What should we do with him my Lady?" gesturing to the man still silently laughing. Regarding both Lord Whitewood who failed to reclaim the castle and the laughing fool in front of her, Calian ordered him to be left in the castle. And as the army moved out many could hear the laughter of Ser Arrinor, The Fool, bouncing off the burnt walls of Ramsgate.

Fleet of Pentos Dispute, Continued

  Free City of Lorath | Sentry
Illan Bahin felt that the Expedition was finally shaping up into a proper army. He and his citizen soldiers had been encamped on the Paps Island for over a year. The small island was originally slated to be a resupply point but with the Bite at a stalemate it had become the Expeditions headquarters. Bahin had not allowed his troop to sit idle; the fleet launched reconnaissance missions to scout the area. Meanwhile the Expeditions ground forces were drilled to keep in shape. Illan had been thankful for the time,the Lorathi navy was an impressive force but the army had very little training before being shipped over. While many had yet to see battle he felt that the ground troops were as physically ready as possible. For now they waited but with the bloody fighting going on near Ramsgate it was likely that they would soon be called into action.

Pillars of Earth

High Septa Caelia | Shinigami Knight
*The Pillars of Earth—Crafting Faith in Stone and Soul*  
To the esteemed lords and ladies, knights and commonfolk, far and wide across the realm,   Grace and blessings be upon you in the light of the Seven. I, High Septa Caelia, servant of the divine and shepherdess of the Faith, come forth with a sacred decree that echoes through the hallowed halls of Westeros—and beyond!   In the spirit of renewal and devotion to the Seven, it is my solemn duty to announce the grand undertaking of building a new Great Sept, a testament to our unwavering faith and unity. This endeavor shall be guided by the principles of righteousness, humility, and the divine will that binds us all.   Why this Call to the Realm:
As the sun rises on this new chapter, I invite all of you to partake in this sacred venture. The construction of the Great Sept is not merely the raising of stones and spires; it is a collective act of faith, a symbol of our devotion to the Seven. This is an opportunity for every soul, highborn and low, to contribute to the resurgence of our shared faith.   Your Participation:
Be it through skilled craftsmanship, devout prayers, financial support, or the strength of your arms, there is a role for each of you in this divine endeavor. Let the echo of your commitment reverberate through the realms, binding us all in the unbreakable tapestry of faith.   Great Rewards Await:
As a testament to our gratitude, great rewards shall be bestowed upon those who contribute most fervently to this sacred project. Not only in the afterlife, where the light of the Seven shines eternally, but also in the tangible realm, where recognition, titles, and blessings will be showered upon the faithful.   How to Answer the Call:
Send forth your letters, emissaries, or ravens bearing your intent to contribute. Declare your skills, your resources, or your unwavering commitment to this divine cause. The Faith welcomes all, and your efforts, no matter how humble, shall be recognized and cherished.   May the Seven guide our hands, hearts, and minds in this noble undertaking. Let the construction of the new Great Sept be a beacon that illuminates the path to a brighter, united future.   In the embrace of the Seven,
— High Septa Caelia
  What is for sure? You will get a reward ultimately. What is still in the process of the event will be shaped haha.   Here is the general info about the event. You can skip to the 3rd point "The building of the Great Sept".   House Bracken | Kingdom of the Andals | Jack Handy
Alexander Bracken will donate whatever he can to help with this holy project. The only reward I seek is to serve the Gods.   High Septa Caelia | Shinigami Knight
"Indeed. The highest of all rewards.” Caelia gently lowers her head, uttering a whispering prayer to the almighty above.

Clash of Kingdoms, Continued

  House Targaryen | Kingdom of Summerhall | Koen27
Summer had been long gone by now, yet the sun rose exceptionally early that day. It was a cloudless day and the sun shone like a midsummer afternoon. It shone hot and bright on the field in front of the town of Barrowbridge, where the Bracken army had appeared after the battle between Vaegon Targaryen and Tristan Terrick.   King Vaegon standing atop the Barrowbridge looked back one last time. He was done running away from his fate. He would meet it sword in hand. The Summer King rallied the remainder of his forces to make a stand at the bridge. On the north bank of the bridge was only a watermill and a small watch-tower on which Vaegon ordered the archers to go, giving them orders to fire at will at any approaching enemy. In the middle of the bridge he places his spearmen at the front with his most loyal men-at-arms behind the bridge for when the close combat fighting begins.   Vaegon stood himself upon the side of the bridge, overlooking his men whose faces had seen death and destruction. These were the men that had withstood every battle since the war began. Battle hardened warriors who knew this would be their last battle. Many times had Vaegon given them leave to return to their families to live. But these seven thousand men remained loyal till the end.   Vaegon was handed a flag bearing the Targaryen sigil on a golden background, the same as on his cape waving in the wind.  
“No longer do we run away from our enemies!
Your names may fade into nothingness.
Your bodies decay by the passing of time.
But your deeds will live on.
Today we stand our ground!
Today we hold no fear!
We will show them what war is!
With Fire and Blood!!!"
  As the men cheered for Vaegon the ground beneath them started to rumble. From the town they saw a cloud of dust approaching the bridge at high speed, a cavalry charge led by Jonos Bracken.   The clash was deafening as steel pierced flesh and falling horses crashed down on the soldiers. Like a tsunami wave the horsemen came over the Targaryen front lines. Vaegon was still standing on the side of the bridge and saw Jonos charging into the spear line. He joined the fray and hacked his way through to the middle of the bridge. Jonos had fallen off his horse and barely had enough time to defend against Vaegon’s attack. Jonos held up his sword to defend and an attack from one of his soldiers against Vaegon gave Jonos time to get up amidst the chaos. The bridge was now filled with horses, men, and metal fighting for space to breathe. Amid the fighting Vaegon called the men to hold their ground and fight for their lives.   Jonos knew the charge would not break through such a small gap that was as heavily defended as it was. He called an organized retreat.   The cavalry charge had failed, and when the Bracken soldiers realized Jonos had fallen, they called a retreat. Vaegon did not sit idly by and rallied all his forces to pursue and run down the enemy. Climbing over dead horses and lifeless bodies they got off the bridge and entered the town again. He knew that if he would wait them out on the bridge, Otho would not show himself. Vaegon had to bring the fighting to him on his own terms. In the town Otho’s men are surprised and overrun by the Targaryen charge, as fleeing horses make the chaos complete. Vaegon orders his men to set the town on fire.   From afar Otho looked as he saw his men flee from the burning town running back to safety. After that it remained quiet for a minute or two until Vaegon emerged sword in hand followed by his men-at-arms. The rest of his army started pouring out of the town behind them going up in flames as Vaegon ordered his men into battle formation.   Otho sounded the charge and the mighty Bracken host started moving forwards slowly at first. Vaegon answered and ordered his men to walk forwards at a slow pace and when only a furlong separated the armies did they start to run. The shouting intensified in an attempt to intimidate the opponent. Then the armies of House Bracken and House Targaryen clashed one last time...   Vaegon quickly fought his way through the center to find Otho Bracken dismounted, ready to face him. The Bracken men formed a circle around the two ready to see the duel ensue. Vaegon’s eyes were immediately drawn to Blackfyre. The sword of his house. The Valyrian steel reflecting the sunlight from above like a stainless mirror.   “Fight like a Dragon” were Otho’s words to Vaegon as he raised Blackfyre to strike the Dragon King of Summerhall. Vaegon, with Haste in hand, blocked the first blow which came from above. Feeling the Valyrian Steel clash with his own sword of ordinary steel was like sailing a ship directly against the wind. Vaegon blocked the second blow which came from below, but Otho’s attack then changed to a stab and as Vaegon tried to block it with his sword it shattered into pieces.   Blackfyre had pierced Vaegon's heart. He fell on his knees, looked up and saw the sun being covered by dark clouds. All forms of sound disappeared. All sense of pain vanished. And as his eyes closed he knew this was the end. A whisper escaped his mouth as soft as the breeze blowing through the trees in the woods near Summerhall. He remembers his childhood with his cousins Visenya and Lucaelarr. He remembers Arwyn and his children and a feeling of warmth fills his chest. A tear rolls down his cheek. “Forgive me… My love”   Vaegon Targaryen. King of Summerhall, Overlord of Dorne. The Last Dragon King... Is dead.   The War of Summer's End is finally over.   House Bracken | Kingdom of the Andals | Jack Handy
~In the sweltering heat of 420 AC, the war-scarred fields of the Bronzegate and Hasty Hall bore witness to the indomitable spirit of Alexander Bracken. Mounted on a steed stained with the blood of fallen foes, he led a beleaguered but resolute army toward the Targaryen bastion, Summerhall. The sun cast long shadows over the March Lands as the herald of change approached.   Summerhall, draped in an eerie silence, awaited its fate. As Alexander and his army approached the Gates, there was no army to confront them. With his uncle, Ser Raynald Smallwood, flanking his left, the young Prince waited outside the Walls for several minutes before a man within the castle yelled something. Just then, the great gates swung open, revealing Lady Arwyn Oakheart, the widow of Vaegon Targaryen, standing alone in the courtyard. Veiled in mourning, she stood as a testament to the toll exacted by the conflict. Alexander dismounted, a figure both imposing and empathetic, clad in armor that bore the weight of battles fought and scars endured.   With the eloquence of a seasoned diplomat, Alexander delivered the news of Vaegon's demise, which she already knew in her heart was a foregone conclusion. Lady Oakheart, a study in stoicism, held back her emotions, her eyes shrouded by the veil. The specter of grief loomed, but beneath the surface, a profound gratitude surfaced for the assurance of safety extended to her and her kin.   In the courtyard, amidst whispers of victory and defeat, Lady Oakheart, a paragon of resilience, expressed her formal submission. Black-clad and somber, she bent the knee to Otho Bracken, solidifying the shift of power. The castle, once a symbol of Targaryen rule, now bore witness to the convergence of destinies—Bracken ascending, Targaryen relinquishing.   As Lady Oakheart's words echoed through the hallowed halls, Alexander, the reluctant heir, grappled with the dichotomy of triumph and the cost of ambition. The crown, coveted yet ominous, symbolized not just dominion but the inexorable march toward an uncertain fate.   The war's tumult had forged Alexander into a statesman, a reluctant warrior who recognized the duality of power—both the balm and the blade. Amidst the political landscape of Westeros, he stood as a harbinger of change, navigating the delicate dance of diplomacy and the unyielding demands of the realm.   Alexander informed Arwyn that no harm would come to her and her daughter, Maegan, and that they would be allowed to return to Old Oak at once.   House Costayne | Kingdom of the Andals | sandman
Armstead and the armies of The Reach are still nowhere to be found since retreating to Torentine Bay during the cease-fire with Dorne. Long Tom has been seen traveling often with peace talks ongoing for multiple parlays, council meetings, and business meetings. Rumor of his persistent cough begins to be heard around Westeros due to all the meetings.   House Targaryen | Kingdom of the Andals | Steffi the Redhead The newly promoted Selwyn Wensington is on his way to the west of Stonehelm, in an effort to consolidate the Stormlands. This is the last remaining center of resistance and a war is only over when the last troops surrender. May the Stranger guide him to the other side.   House Banefort | Kingdom of the Andals | Nyron King Tyrus Banefort of the Banefort Dynasty arrives in King’s Landing.   Tyrus bends the knee to King Otho Bracken.  
Far too long have our people been at odds. I vow to set aside our differences and henceforth pledge myself and my people to King Otho Bracken and the Kingdom of the Andals.
  Brittlefang | Thenns | Mista Sista
A dour turn of events, one that may spell the doom of northern independence…   House Goodbrother | Kingdom of the Andals | Frozen
Lord House Goodbrother, Loyal lord of The Iron Islands and humble vassal of Pyke is walking in the steps of his High lord King Tyrus Banefort of the Banefort Dynasty.   House Goodbrother also bends the knee to King Otho Bracken. The Iron Islands are under your orders.   House Bracken | Kingdom of the Andals | Jack Handy
~A rumor spreads through King's Landing that the deal of the Banefort Treaty has been "leaked"....  
As my father is still indisposed after his wounds from the war, I will take the lead soon for speaking on his behalf. If he is upset about anything I agree too, I will deal with the consequences.   Tyrus Banefort, my terms are this..  
  1. You and Lord Viktor Goodbrother will at once publicly bend the knee to Otho Bracken.
  2. You will allow House Bracken to take Saltcliffe castle and island for 5 years to ensure loyalty. After 5 years, we will allow you to negotiate a return of the island to you.
  For this, you will receive....  
  1. Lordship and protection within the Iron Throne.
  2. The completion of the Iron Fleet
  3. Lord Admiral of the Iron Islands (Lord Paramount basically for the area)
  4. If you remain loyal for 1 year, You will be made Master of Ships
  5. If you remain loyal for 5 years, a daughter (If you have one) will be married to a son of a Bracken.
  Do you agree with these terms, m'Lord?
— Prince Alexander Bracken


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