Roland Crakehall

Lord Roland Crakehall

Related Character Bio

Ser Roland Crakehall towers over his peers in Westeros, standing over 7 feet tall and weighing more than 350 pounds, making him a formidable presence on and off the battlefield. Renowned for his ferocity in combat, his tales of valor, particularly during the War of Summer's End at the Battle at Old Oak, have become legendary. In one such encounter, after being disarmed, Roland faced three attackers. With sheer brute strength, he snapped the necks of two with his bare hands. The third managed to wound Roland, stabbing him in the shoulder, but Roland's response was merciless and final. He seized the man, and with a display of terrifying power, he tore him apart, solidifying his reputation as one of the deadliest fighters in the realm.   Roland revels in mead, women, and the competition of tournaments, finding the chase of wild game dull in comparison to the thrill of battling other men. He cherishes challenges and was notably frustrated when he was deprived of the chance to face Lord Jack Oakheart in combat, a kill claimed by King Otho Bracken first. Despite his daunting appearance and fearsome reputation, Roland values humor and enjoys the company of those who can bring laughter into his life. He adheres to a personal code, ensuring he never misuses his overwhelming power and strength, marking him as a warrior of both honor and dread.  

Family Ties

Immediate Family
House Sigil

None So Fierce
Kingdom of the Andals
Year of Birth
383 AC 39 Years old


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