Saera Rogare Character in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil

Saera Rogare

Key Holder of the Rogare Bank, Magistrate of Lys Saera Rogare (a.k.a. Jasmine of Lys, Banker's Daughter)


Saera's father spared no expense in her education and mentored her early on. While she was very studious, she came to know that managing such a fortune took more. Many found her to be beautiful, but she preferred to be known for her brutal honesty and dedication. After years under Westeros control and subjection from House Dalt of Dorne, she was able to raise the funds to hire two different Sellsword Companies, the Second Son's, led by Ser Edward Ryswell and the massive Golden Company. After more than 6 months of naval and hard fought urban warfare, House Dalt was defeated and Lys was recaptured by its people. Over the years, she had developed a relationship with Jack Oakheart.  

Family Ties

Immediate Family
Targaryen Family Tree.png
House Sigil

393 AC 418 AC 25 years old
Circumstances of Death
Accident - Died during childbirth


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