Season 1, Pre-Game Report in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil

Season 1, Pre-Game

General Summary

Game Master Intro

  Jack Handy
50 years after the Shivers, a deadly plague that devastated and killed most of the Realm, the ancestors of Westeros are beginning to repopulate the Realm, discovering Grand Castles and Ancient Wonders... like the Wall and King's Landing. Players will start in a random location & then build a kingdom, forge alliances, wage war & create the Realm how you see fit.  

Rules & Guidelines

  • It's without honor but you don't need to declare war.
  • Players will start in a random location & then build a kingdom, forge alliances, wage war & create the Realm how you see fit.
  • Players should adopt the name of the family that controls the castle they start the game in.
  • As castles are taken, players can RP that construction has begun on them.
  • If a Player is Born in the Crownlands, they're automatically a Targaryen. If a Player can take Summerhall by turn 8, they can choose to be a Targaryen.
  • If I make a sequel game, a continuation of this game, Targaryen players will receive a powerful Dragon in the form of another player, called a Dragon Player (message host for details)
  • Every player starts the game independent and as their own Kingdom. This can change over time, through peaceful or violent means.

Taxes & Tribute

  • Players can demand taxes or tribute from other players, especially those who are their vassals. These are done by gifting X amount of Troops and then usually having them airlifted away.
  • Taxes are set by the King demanding them but are also a great reason to rebel if you feel they're "unfair".

Jousting Tournaments

  • The Host can also set up tournaments for players to RP and compete. These can be Role Played as actually tournaments in games, where the outcome here affects things in the real game. King and Lords can sponsor these, where the winner gets gold or land. Other players can gamble gold on matches and as always, the winner will receive lots of honor and glory.
  • Message Jack Handy for details.
Report Date
11 Oct 2022


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