Season 1, Turn 01 Report in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil

Season 1, Turn 01

Days 1 - 15 of the First Moon, 406 AC

General Summary


  House Oakheart | Old Oak | Jack Handy
I am King Jack Oakheart, of Old Oak   House Targaryen | Dyre Den | Giddiness
The Targaryen dynasty comes to rule. Lucaelarr Targaryen with the power given by the dragon blood he has claims Sworn to Dragonstone, Maidenpool, Saltpans Castle, Wickenden, Gulltown, and The Royal Fleet.   Long live the Targaryens!   House Ryswell | The Rills | Eddy
King Ryswell the landlocked here!   House Corbray | Heart's Home | Prince Nyunyu
King Nyunyu Corbay present himself and would like to make known his will to gain allies   House Stark | Winterfell | Erik Azog
Let it be known that I, Erryk of House Stark, first of my name, King in the North hereby call all lords of the North to send me a raven. So that we may all come to a compromise on what everyone desires. Should you not send me a raven before the end of the year. Where words fail, steel will follow.   House Bracken | Stone Hedge | Jamhalo
I, Otho Bracken hereby name myself King of the Red Fork and all of the territory pertaining to it. Red Fork Region. We hope to have peaceful relations with all of our future neighbors.   House Pryor | Pebble | Count Darkwood
The Pebble is gonna layeth the smackdown on the Three Sisters in what should be a real slobberknocker, King.   House Dalt | Lemonwood | Xurrero
Here I come, the Salty Prince, Denziel Dalt! Son of Jack Dalt.   With the blood of the people of summer islands and the son of a refugee of Tyrosh, he claims himself as Prince of the Sun and the Salt!   "My mother suffered because of the sun and my father because of the salt! Now, those are under my control. Face me if you dare, and you will be dry till you become sand and salt!"   House Targaryen | Rook's Rest | Steffi the Redhead
Greetings brother Lucaelarr. I hate to sell the pigs hide before I kill it, but yes, we are made to rule. I, Visenya Targaryen, shall make sure of that.   House Blackmont | Blackmont | Zacorin
It is time for Tarik the Vulture King to rise from his perch and claim his rightful lands along the banks of the Torentine and throughout western Dorne.   House Selmy | Harvest Hall | Koen27
As the only Storm Lord alive, I claim lordship over all of The Stormlands   Anyone who has intentions of taking lands within this region will have to contact me in order to negotiate a settlement   House Dalt | Lemonwood | Xurrero
I do not respect your claim. There is no difference being in the Stormlands or the Reach King Selmy. Only political issues. Why should we consider you from the Stormlands?   House Selmy | Harvest Hall | Koen27
I don’t claim all the land. If you wish to claim land in The Stormlands just let me know.   House Dalt | Lemonwood | Xurrero
Oh then a raven will be sent, for sure.   House Footly | Tumbleton | Basket Weaver
I, King Ronalt Footly, Second of His Name, Lord of Tumbleton, Patriarch of the Harvest, has had a dream of a great land. The men of Tumbleton begin heading east to settle and grow the kingdom. They seek to settle the lands of House Cafferen, House Buckler and House Errol. While King Ronalt desired to claim Storm's End, his Queen believes the castle to be haunted and not dare set foot there.   House Oakheart | Old Oak | Jack Handy
They are haunted, fellow Reach King, by the ghost of Robert Baratheon "The Usurper".   House Footly | Tumbleton | Basket Weaver
That is what the Lady Queen thinks. I do not believe in ghosts, but I fear if I take that castle I will be haunted by her instead.   House Caswell | Bitterbridge | nickjones12113
I lay claim to Summerhall.   House Costayne | Three Towers | sandman
Lord Thomas Costayne of Three Towers first of his name claims all lands he reaches first. I am happy to announce an alliance with the salty prince Jackson Dalt of Lemonwood Long may it last and grow ever stronger.   House Crowl | Deepdown | Mathis Rowan
The Island of Skagos is known for its treacherous waters and shores that are hard to visit safely. The regularly isolated island has been completely unaffected by the plague. The Skagosi are now leading a mass exodus to the mainland after raising their population too high for the resources of the island alone to be able to sustain.   House Oakheart | Old Oak | Jack Handy
I have heard legend that the people of Skagosi Isles have gills and speak to fish... but surely this can't be true.   House Vyrwel | Wyvern Hall | Gaming Snake
I heard rumours about cannibalism on Skagosi Isles.   House Oakheart | Old Oak | Jack Handy
Well that's a given... right?


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