Season 1, Turn 19 Report in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil

Season 1, Turn 19

Days 1 - 15 of the Tenth Moon, 406 AC

General Summary

Oathbreaker, Continued

  House Pryor | Pebble | Count Darkwood
"Tried violence"... tried, committed and executed violence on the poor innocent contractor that was resting her heels at Natural Hot Springs ... not to mention your failed assault on Capt. Cerwyn's homelands. Your "generous offer" was a trade involving 2 castles you never held nor hold now. When I offered him a different peaceful exchange regarding any city or keep he ACTUALLY could trade, I was threatened with war. My rookery will comply with an outside inquest as to the verification of said private messages.   House Ryswell | The Twins | Eddy
You do mention that, and I explained to you the reason for that misinformed offer. You neglect to inform the realm that I offered to pay you in troops and gold and that you declined!   House Pryor | Pebble | Count Darkwood
Of course I declined, given the price I paid for the very lands you coveted then, and still attempt to wrest from me to this day. You have yet to come up with a different offer other than the 300 slaves, which I do not value as a fair trade. I deal with gold and land, only. When prompted to come up with a different offer, you rebuffed and attempted to reduce my good standing in the realm with slander and false accusations.   Tell me… tell the realm, since you now have their attention: why do you continue to murder innocent people at Cerwyn before your trial is over? Are you afraid of being exposed as the "oathbreaker" you yourself are now proving out to be?   House Ryswell | The Rills | Eddy
I asked for a counteroffer and you refused! Be that as it may, your constant words seem to show YOU are the one who is afraid, but we knew this from your refusal to fight me like a man. Await the judgment of the realm with honor you spineless coward.   House Targaryen | Rook's Rest | Steffi the Redhead
Since House Ryswell seems to be broke after the bets of the Joust, perhaps HE should start selling things…   House Ryswell | The Rills | Eddy
Why do you think I need this ruling haha? It doesn’t affect the fact that it’s rightfully mine, but once I have it I can actually pay my debts in the next ten turns.   House Pryor | Pebble | Count Darkwood
Since your words of venom have morphed into actual acts of war, I ask all other lords, kings, knights and mercenaries: see this for what it was, a desperate attack on my character to distract his hostile intent. His claims are, always were, invalid. His madness now goes unchecked. Help put this mad wolf down.   House Ryswell | The Rills | Eddy
You speak a great deal of blather and meaninglessness. What act of war?   House Pryor | Pebble | Count Darkwood
Ooo careful with that gaslight... wouldn't want to get burned...   House Ryswell | The Rills | Eddy

Death in Dorne

House Dalt | Lemonwood | Xurrero
House Manwoody passed away. As Dorne has remained independent of the other kingdoms, I would like to ask all to avoid taking any of those lands.
Report Date
09 Dec 2022


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