Season 1, Turn 26 Report in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil

Season 1, Turn 26

Days 16 - 30 of the First Moon, 407 AC

General Summary

Oathbreaker, Continued

  House Umber | Last Hearth | Andrizzle9972
I will take over House Stark starting this turn your grace.   House Ryswell | The Rills | Eddy
My god this is insane! How can this be called a diplomacy game?!?! The Queen doesn't do shit and demands a trial by combat. Okay, I'll try a trial. He refuses and no one does shit to enforce the queen's order. I finally get enough allies to fight them conventionally and the queen fucking steps in and stops it?!?!   House Pryor | Pebble | Count Darkwood
Winterfell is yours, as always intended, Your Excellency. Do with it as you wish. The King-consort and Prince of Summerhall shall also be granted immediate access, as requested.   House Ryswell | The Rills | Eddy
Oh this is hilarious.   House Targaryen | Rook's Rest | Steffi the Redhead
Interesting how you didn’t take part in the trial and then tried to invent new conditions and then blame me, the Queen.   House Ryswell | The Rills | Eddy
And now I feel silly for wanting to rescue your impudent ass.   House Oakheart | Old Oak | Jack Handy
I believe Lord Edward was at the trial by combat and ready to fight, my Queen. It was not him who declined the ritual.   House Targaryen | Dyre Den | Giddiness
The only absolute truth is what The Queen says.   House Oakheart | Old Oak | Jack Handy
That is also true though.   House Ryswell | The Rills | Eddy
I’m VERY confused. I tried for a trial by combat and DARKWOOD refused to comply. You did nothing about it. I didn’t invent new conditions, since the beginning I wanted Houses Stark and Cerwyn and that never changed. Stark is mine by right of war, namely killing Mad King Stark. You did nothing, how can you then say you wanted to rescue me?   I don’t understand your motivations or actions, but from my perspective they seem to be consistently aligned against me. Inaction whenever Lord Pryor attacks me and then action against me whenever I get Lords to help me against him.   House Pryor | Pebble | Count Darkwood
You didn't kill Stark, you merely went to war with him along with his vassals. Your land claims, other than the one in that infamous foot race you kept on about for so long, are dubious. You attacked me first, hence my retaliation. I won't duel you for my own lands. I will only fight you for keeps, which is a war you seem to not want but certainly set yourself up for. You should've stopped cryin' for now you're about to be dyin'... if not by the rapier of the unsatisfied Capt. Cerwyn then by my own ballista.   All I ever did was make deals with the neighboring lords of the North to try and do some good here. You fought with most, and busted on the few deals you attempted to make. Shame, that. Now you must lie in the mess you made instead of hurling it at others.   House Ryswell | The Rills | Eddy
More manipulation from the coward! He got booted after Umber and I fucked him up, so yes we did kill him. We then agreed to split his lands and my share was House Stark which you illegally seized, naturally prompting me to attempt to take it back as per the Queen's earliest command.   House Cerwyn | Castle Cerwyn | Sir Riskalot
Define "illegally seized". What laws exist in your world where claims and intentions matter more than actual accountability and ownership??? Winning 1 race didn't entitle you to anything more than House Tallhart , which you are losing thanks to your ego. Expect more losses soon, as my vendetta continues until I crush your still-beating heart with my gauntlet. You insulted me, the gods, and now the crown. Your comeuppance is nigh.  

Host Announcement

  Host | Jack Handy
*** Okay guys I'm mapping out the Sequel Game, it's just taking longer than I thought with setting everyone up and making them happy, while adding new players…   My main question was for Eddy. Ed, do you want to stay as House Ryswell with all the issues and strife in the North or do you want a fresh start in Essos, Beyond the Wall, NW... something else? I don't ask because I don't want you to be that House, I just ask if you want to start somewhere else for those obviously reasons... let me know. You can send a PM if you want it to be a secret.   Eddy
Yeah no worries, I’ll take a fresh start. WW, NW, or Braavos would be cool. Writings on the wall for me this game it looks like, I have no clue what’s going on with the Queen or what side she’s on and it’s getting old having to constantly send ravens to unravel these weird relations. Never had a game with clearer facts and a more muddled response!   Host | Jack Handy
Roger... I feel like a fresh start in the East makes sense. If you're the Iron Bank, you can pay back those loans you owe, especially to me lol. You can also use that money to fund things behind the scenes, like trying to bring chaos to Westeros.   As Lord Oakheart, I will, of course, be against this plan ha. But since the sequel will have gold and gifting gold, I plan to have someone like Braavos sponsor Tournaments for fun and lots of gold.   Steffi the Redhead
I second sponsored tournaments! There shall be many of them. I like my knights sweaty… I also liked the shiny Prince of House Martell.   Aegon The Conqueror
Haha thank you I look forward to reprising my role :D been a bit busy recently and missed the last tournament.   Host | Jack Handy
I'd like to add the Lannisters and Starks to the sequel game but make them not as powerful and not the high Lords anymore because of the events of this game but it would mean taking away those castles from current players... so idk what to do...   And maybe House Frey, Dayne and a few others... so yeah, thus why I'm taking forever to make the sequel. trying to make everyone happy ha   Probably Baratheon as well.   Also Eddy, hey do you want to be the Iron Bank or... hear me out, be your character, Edward Rywell but you're exiled to the Free Cities and you are employed by the Iron Bank (Iron Bank player can be someone who is not active here and is someone you like on WZ and a good player if you want). Sort of like Dany's friendzone knight in the show lol... let me know.   Count Darkwood
That would make an excellent setup for a renewed rivalry as Lord Pryor regularly does business in Braavos. we might see that duel play out yet.   Eddy
That's a great idea, Edward Ryswell as the emissary from the Bank to Westeros. We can keep the rivalry going. As to Stark, give him back House Cerwyn and House Tallhart and maybe leave it at that. RP could easily be that Pryor saved a Stark heir and reinstated him into Ryswell's conquered lands as a petty Lord.   Host | Jack Handy
House Cerwyn will go back to Ser Riskalot, but I like the plan. Now will Stark be the High Lord of the North or a different Lord now that power has shifted?   Eddy
No idea. Lord Pryor is the most active but he's so scummy, manipulative, and cowardly that it's hard to see how he could be proclaimed Paramount. Umber is the strongest but he hasn't done anything of substance except defeat Stark with me.   Host | Jack Handy
Everyone is keeping their original name, even House Vyrwel (Gaming Snake) who gave up his ancestral home, which is weird and will have effects next game. I'd say a young Stark stays High Lord or it goes to who ever the Queen wants.


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