The Golden Tooth Settlement in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil

The Golden Tooth

The Golden Tooth, also called the Tooth, is the crown jewel of castles for House Vance of the Riverlands, though the castle is located in the Westerlands. It is located along the river road and is east of Ashemark and Sarsfield, west of Riverrun and Pinkmaiden, and north of Hornvale. Although the Golden Tooth is a small castle, it is a strong keep commanding the hill road between the westerlands and the riverlands. It is generally held that in order to attack the westerlands from the east, one must take the Tooth to have a secure passage. House Vance took the castle in 408 AC during the Northern War, when Lord Otho Bracken, High Lord of the Riverlands, invaded House Banefort in an effort to end the war. House Vance was instructed to capture the stronghold and secure the gold mine there, which is one of the largest in Westeros.  

The Riverlands
Alternative Name(s)
The Tooth
Large city
Owning Organization


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