Brendon Vance Character in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil

Brendon Vance

Lord of Wayfarer's Rest and the Golden Tooth Brendon Vance (a.k.a. The Unready)


Lord Brendon, also known as 'the Unready' as much of his reign has been overshowed by the excessively honourable reputation of his father, the Late Lord Alon. It is known that his wife had to assure him that he would be a good enough Lord to keep the peace in the Vancelands under Lord Bracken. He is described as nearly as stern as his father, with far less ice in his demeanor, and too honourable and kind to have a man killed for putting a dagger in his back. A man of honor and faith, he is not one to start violence but is well equipped to finish any that comes his way. Having fought bravely in the Northern War of 408 AC, he was awarded the Westerlands castle, the Golden Tooth, which has made his a wealthy man since.  

Family Ties

House Sigil

On Black Wings We Rise
Kingdom of the Andals
Player (Season 2)
Player (Current)
Year of Birth
364 AC 57 Years old
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