White Harbor Settlement in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil

White Harbor

White Harbor is a harbor city in the north which contains the New Castle. White Harbor is located on the eastern shore of the White Knife. It is clean and well-ordered, with wide straight cobbled streets that make it easy to walk around. As the only real city and deep port harbor in the North, White Harbor handles all trade coming in and out of the region. Since 406 AC, the city has been under the control of Lord Richard Pryor, but if one was to visit any market or tavern within the city, you would only hear of how much hatred they feel for the Vale Lord. In early 418 AC, forces under the command of John Stark and Titus Crowl, led by their Free Folk allies, captured the city. Only minor skirmishes around the city occurred, as Lord Pryor had mostly abandoned the City for unknown reasons. Reinforcements from the Reach, under Lord Tom Costayne's eldest son were ambushed by the Northeners and Lord Tom's son was killed in the violence.  

The North
Large city
Owning Organization


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