The Whale Party Organization in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil

The Whale Party

Policies and Goals

  1. Achieve victory in the next election.
  2. Divert military spending back into trade.
  3. Treaty of Braavos. (Path to Bravos independence)


The Whale party is an ancient defunct Lorathi party revived by Braavosi exiles. It is ironic that the modern incarnation of the ancient religious party established to protect the sacred whale now does the most to harvest the creature. The Whale Party at its heart is a traditional Essosi government centered on trade and profits. This has made them quite popular with the less wealthy Lorathi senators that rely on trade to pay for seats in government rather than inherited fortunes. What has limited the parties growth outside of the Braavosi exiles is their goal of reestablishing Braavos as an independent city state. The has drawn ire from the Leviathan Party and cynicism from the Unity Party. Most Lorathi and even some Braavosi believe it will be centuries before such a thing is possible. This for now has limited their popularity however they would stand as the only alternative for peace if the Unity Party breaks up.
Political, Faction / Party


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