Sallos Dynar Character in Melodies of Spring | World Anvil

Sallos Dynar

First Banker of Lorath, League of Bankers Chairman, Leader of the Whale Party Sallos Dynar (a.k.a. The Last Dynar, The Red Whale, The Bejeweled Whale)

Related Character Bio

The last survivor of the Dynar Banking Clan who narrowly escaped the destruction of Braavos. The jovial giant stands taller and is much heavier than his fellow senators. The Red Whale's signature red hair and beard are kept neat and orderly. Sallos is a wealthy man and is not afraid to show it. The wealthy Banker is always wearing an excessive amount of bracelets, charms, and rings. Like many Braavosi immigrants not used to the colder climate, Salos wears a fur cap and heavy fur coat.   Sallos' jovial nature is certainly a surprise for one that witnessed the Butchering of Braavos. Unlike many wealthy men who fled the city Sallos continued making trips between Lorath and Braavos to rescue as many of his fellow citizens as possible. This combined with his booming orator voice has made him a natural leader for the Braavosi survivors. Unfortunately the senator's political career has yet to yield much success. Adding to his fears that militarist movement will soon hold the title of Magister.  


Win Magister Election and uphold the title of First Banker.
House Sigil

Free City of Lorath
Player (Current)
Year of Birth
373 AC 48 Years old


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