Wilbur Mooton

Lord Wilbur Mooton (a.k.a. The Big Fish)


Lord Wilbur Mooton, known colloquially as "the Big Fish," rules as the Lord of House Mooton, from their ancestral seat in Maidenpool, a role he assumed following his distinguished career as a diplomat. Despite his seemingly brash and unrefined exterior—a persona accentuated by his fondness for wine, lavish meals, and an outspoken demeanor—Lord Wilbur possesses a sharp intellect and shrewdness that belie his ostentatious lifestyle.   His penchant for luxury is evident in his choice of attire, favoring fine silks from Myr and exquisite jewels from Qohor, marking him as a man of wealth and taste, albeit with a penchant for excess. Yet, this flamboyant display serves a dual purpose, acting as both a statement of his status and a clever ruse to underestimate his cunning in matters of politics and diplomacy.   Lord Wilbur's interests extend beyond the confines of his court. An avid lover of falconry, he finds solace in the company of his birds of prey, often seen riding in the countryside with a falcon perched on his arm. While he once revelled in the thrill of the hunt, his current physical condition has tempered his enthusiasm for more vigorous pursuits, leading him to favor leisurely outings that accommodate his preference for easier hunts.  

Lord Wilbur Mooton during his trip through the Free Cities, where he spent an ungodly amount of gold on gifts and presents for himself and his family, 419 AC
  Lord Wilbur maintains a supportive and trusting, if somewhat detached and formal, relationship with his brother Wilhelm. He is a doting uncle to Wendell, Whitney and Wyatt Mooton, often indulging them in ways only an uncle can. His approach to leadership is unconventional, leveraging his underestimated acumen to navigate the complex political landscapes of Westeros, ensuring the prosperity and security of House Mooton under his stewardship.   In essence, Lord Wilbur Mooton, "the Big Fish," embodies the complexities and contradictions of nobility. His life is a testament to the power of perception and the depth that often lies beneath the surface of those who lead.  

Family Ties

Immediate Family
Extended Family
House Sigil

Wisdom and Strength
House Mooton
Kingdom of the Andals
Assa Piscis
Year of Birth
381 AC 41 Years old

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