Bahamut Character in Melora | World Anvil
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What Do We Know?

Bahamut is known to be the dragon god of of justice and nobility, truly a god you can trust to help you in times of need. The party has had no direct experiences with Bahamut himself, but we are aware of two known followers of Bahamut that we have interacted with. Our current house sitter, Daniel, is a well-known follower and worshipper of Bahamut and has shown us first hand the hatred Bahamut and his followers have for Tiamat worshippers. Alongside that, there was also an individual by the name of Nery Leawoods that we met when attempting to get a security clearance that used a Zone of Truth spell on us to perform a thorough interrogation.   The party does also have a rough idea about the history of Bahamut. When exploring The Hole, we learned that many, many years ago over in Azarkea, during the initial creation of the Arcanum, 3 dragons were also created, with one of them being a metallic-looking dragon. As time continued we also know there was, at some point, also a state called the "Republic of Bahamut" in the souteastern region of Azarkea. It appears from the paintings we got from this history lesson, that at some point Tiamat got greedy and killed their third sibling which is what makes Bahamut and Tiamat enemies today. This event likely happened about 1000 years ago, according to the exhibit in the room we found these paintings in.   Bahamut, his places of worship, and his followers typically adorn a blue crest with a metallic looking dragon in profile, face pointed to the left (the direction here is incredibly important).

Potential Aliases

"Grandfather of Dragons"
"The Justice Bringer"
"The Platinum Dragon"


Lawful Good
Known Followers
Nery Leawoods
Known Places of Worship
Church of Bahamut in Thaneas
Church of Bahamut in Andron


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