Tiamat Character in Melora | World Anvil
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What Do We Know?

Tiamat is the dragon goddess of of wealth, greed, and vengance, doing everything in her power to take control of the world she believes belongs to her. Tiamat is sometimes referred to as the "Dragon Queen" as well. We have luckily had no interactions directly with the goddess Tiamat, however, we have had some hostile interactions with one of her followers. Astar a dragonborn paladin of Tiamat fought against us while we were in The Hole alongside his fellow members of the Shadow's Edge. Unfortunately for him, he was killed and then "disposed of" by Daniel and some other members of the Church of Bahamut when we captured him after the Shadow's Edge successfully escaped from The Hole with the Beads of Corruption.   Alongside this, there is also some information known about the origin story of Tiamat and her brother Bahamut. While the Menagerie were exploring The Hole and looking for the Beads of Corruption, we found some paintings which depicted the story of the burst of the Arcanum which ultimately spawned the first dragons. Of the first dragons is believed to be Tiamat, Bahamut, and their third sibling, which the paintings than detail Tiamat ruthlessly murdered in an attempt to gain power due to her greed. From that moment forward, Tiamat and her brother Bahamut and there followers have been at each others throats any chance they get. We also know around 1047 AD, both Bahamut and Tiamat seem to vanish, at least from the Material Plane and they have not been seen since. Other than these events though, other major events in history that might involve Tiamat are unknown to the party at this time.   Those that follow Tiamat and choose to worship her can be seen wearing a five-pointed star that has curved points (these are sometimes also speicted as dragon heads). We also have personal experience with a separate symbol which is the depiction of a dragon in profile, looking to the left, known to be a mocking symbol of the Church of Bahamut that actually represents Tiamat.

Potential Aliases

"The Dragon Queen"
"The Chromatic Dragon"
"Queen of Chaos"


Chaotic Evil
Known Followers
Known Places of Worship


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