Cilia Character in Melora | World Anvil
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Cilia is the deity of agriculture. Our interactions with this goddess are non-existent up to this point, seeing as there are no members of the Menagerie that currently do a whole lot of farming. The general consensus though is that any direct interaction with Cilia or her followers would likely be a safe one. Those that do follow and/or worship Cilia likely at least loosely also worship Andora as they are often tied to one another and worshipped together. Supposedly those that do often do things (due to the nature of their opposite domains) do so in favor of one goddess while in spit of the other.   Cilia's historical significance is unknown, but seeing as large portions of at least the southern portion of Eisilfel have plenty of fertile farmland and being a farmer is a relatively common occupation, Cilia has likely been worshipped for thousands of years at an absolute minimum. This correlates well with the fact that the smaller of the two moons that orbit Melora is named after her, likely by some ancient group of farmers from long ago. Other than that, her involvement in other major events is unknown if there are any.   Due to the connection between Cilia and Andora, they are often artistically depcited as grown women connected via an umbilical cord unsevered, and are often represented by a symbol at the same time in the form of a large moon and small moon about half the size in the form of a set of silver disks in which the Cilia moon (smaller one) rotates freely around the Andora moon (the larger one). This is also sometimes depicted in the form of a silver and copper coin linked via a string. Both goddesses physical representations though are the actual moons themselves.

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