Andora Character in Melora | World Anvil
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Andora is known to be the goddess of the hunt, feral rage, and lycantropy. The goddess is not one we know much about currently except for that, like Avandra, Pari at least loosely worships her due to their previous hunting life, prior to them entering the Feywilds and losing pieces of their memory temporarily. Outside of that, we do know that, unlike Pari, many who do worship Andora also at least loosely worship her sister goddess Cilia, goddess of agriculture. It is known that, quite often, that those that do, are found (due to the differences in the godesses' domains) to be performing tasks in favor of one and in spite of the other sister. Since Pari respects and/or worships the goddess they are likely to offer a welcomed experience if the Menagerie and her ever cross paths.   The goddess's influence in historical events is even less well understood. We do know that the larger of the two moons orbiting Melora is named after Andora, so she was likely heavily worshipped at the time that moon first received its name. Other than that, her influence in major events is unknown to the rest of the party at this time.   These two goddesses (Androa and Cilia) are often artistically depicted as two grown women connected via an umbilical cord, in which each has their portion of the umbilical cord going off into white space or off a painitng or screen. Andora and her sister goddess Cilia share a religious symbol, since they are often worshipped together, essentially it is a symbol most of the time depicting two moons, one larger and one smaller (about half the size) each of the moons depicting one of the two sisters. Andora is represented by the larger of the two and Cilia the smaller one. This symbol is often represented by two silver colored disks with the smaller one freely rotating around the larger. This is sometimes also seen in the form of a silver and copper coing attachd via a string.

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