Pelor Character in Melora | World Anvil
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What Do We Know?

Pelor is a god of the sun and light and is generally affiliated with things such as light and life, etc. He is truly one of the good gods in our world. Assuming you aren't doing something inherently evil, that he needs to put a stop to, you can usually count on interactions with him being good ones. As far as followers the party know and direct interactions we have had with Pelor, there are quite a few. First, we have two party members that have, at least at some point in their lives, been followers of Pelor.   Cain is known to have had some alliegance to Pelor prior to the mark of the beginning of the campaign. From what we know at some point he left the Temple of Pelor, due to events that aren't entirely clear to us, at which point his story becomes a bit of a mystery until he shows up in Blackburn with the rest of the party as a paladin fighting for Vecna. So, clearly at some point, things took a major turn for the worst there.   On top of that, we also know that Loxia, another member of the party, is (or at least was until recently) a member of the Temple of Pelor. Loxia's main reason for joining the Menagerie after all was to help fund what was essentially a startup temple back in the city of Andron. We also know that alongside Loxia, several members of her family are devout followers of Pelor. This includes her father, Daiak, who is the equivalent of a pope for the Temple of Pelor which they refer to as the "Dawnfather" as well as her brother, Serinus, who is simply a preist of Pelor. Outside of that, we haven't really had any noteworthy interactions with followers of Pelor at this time.   Pelor, to our knowledge is involved with one very important thing in history, the gift of magic being given to the very first of the paladins in the world. It is rumored that someone now known as the "Sunstrider" was the first paladin and that his power came directly from a divine blessing of Pelor. Outside of that, it is pretty likely Pelor has played a major role in many historical events, including the creation of the Great Filter, but the exact details are unknown.   Those that follow Pelor typically adorn a circle with six outwardly radiating points, representing a sun giving off the light Pelor helps to provide the world of Melora with.

Potential Aliases

"Father of the Sun"
"The Sun Lord"
"The Shining One"


Neutral Good
Known Followers
Loxia Vermilli
Dawnfather Daiak Vermilli
Serinus Vermilli
Known Places of Worship
Temple of Pelor in Thaneas
Startup Temple of Pelor in Andron (WIP)
Temple of Pelor in Yuross


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