Vecna Character in Melora | World Anvil
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What Do We Know?

Vecna is the so called god of evil secrets but also much more notably the undead. He is well known for being one of the many gods in the Meloran pantheon that you would best avoid at all costs. With that said however, we have had a few interactions with Vecna as a collective and some of his followers. To start, at the beginning of the campaign, Cain was in fact actually a paladin of Vecna and while the exact details of their relationship are unclear to the rest of the party, we do know that at one point Cain officially broke his oath to Vecna and seeked refuge via the Raven Queen.   For this reason, it's likely Cain and Vecna were on bad terms, especially shortly after the Menagerie killed a vampire in the city of Andron. Once Cain betrayed Vecna, by killing one his own, Vecna killed Cain in his sleep only for the Raven Queen to resurrect him. From that moment forward Cain was no longer associated with the spiteful god. Outside of that we also have had some interactions with one other potential follower and some of Vecna's personal items.   First, on our way from the city of Famel, following our rescue of the remaining living members of the farming town, we were spontatneously attacked by a priestess who read a spell from a flesh-like page with the incantations scrawled in blood. The exact details of this spell's goal are unknown, however, we do know the page she read from was confrimed to be from Vecna's very own spellbook. Luckily for us, Milo, in a quick act of desperation was able to subdue the effect of the spell long enough for the effect to fade as the priestess was turned into nothing more than a pile of ash. This page from Vecna's spellbook was then transported to Thaneas, following orders from Davros where it was kept in The Hole until it was moved to the restricted section for magical artifacts below the Academy of Adept Sorcerers. While exploring The Hole, we also found, what we knew to be the hand and eye of Vecna.   The hand and eye of Vecna, lead directly into what the party knows about Vecna from history. Vecna is well-known to also be one of the two gods in the Meloran pantheon who was a mortal prior to their current status, and a pretty good amount is known about the ascension of Vecna. We know that in 1111 AD, during a meeting of the original circle of archmages, Vecna, stormed the building and ultimately after a long fought battle killed each and every one of them, harnessing the power he needed to ascend to godhood. To this day, the exact details from the battle are unknown, but the battle caused significant amounts of destruction to the surrounding area and caused Vecna to lose both his left hand and eye.   Those that worship Vecna can often be seen with items or concealed symbols of a partially broken, one-eyed skull.

Potential Aliases

"The Arch-Lich"
"The Undying King"
"The Whispered One"


Neutral Evil
Known Followers
Known Places of Worship


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