Master Ulzaren Davros Character in Melora | World Anvil
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Master Ulzaren Davros

What Do We Know?

Master Ulzaren Davros, often simply referred to as Master Davros or by the Menagerie sometimes also just simply called Davros or Dadros is a male half-elf of unknown age. We do however, know for a fact that Davros is older than Milo. So he is at least 111 years old. Master Davros is the teacher for illusion magic at the Academy of Adept Sorcerers in the city of Andron where he took over when the previous teacher left, Master Vichorn Marfaelor. We also know that Master Davros has an assistant there known as Grime.   Throughout all of Milo's schooling, he was always very indifferent to Davros as a person. Master Davros taught illusion magic, which Milo had very little interest or respect for in most of its use cases. For that reason, Milo and Davros rarely spoke if at all prior to the forming of the Menagerie of Chaos.   With that said however, Davros is the well-trained magic user in the northern part of Eisilfel that the Menagerie have likely interacted with the most out of all of them, beating out even the former archmage of John Morazmus. Davros was a man the party met during our early days in the city of Andron after we were recommended to take the gem we had found in the shitty town of Blackburn to him for further analysis.   From there, the Menagerie began to rely on him for certain things as we began to work more closely together. Davros shortly after providing him with the gem, tasked the Menagerie with finding and collecting some samples from some phase spiders that had a nest somewhere close to the city of Andron to help further some of his research. We later completely that task at which point Davros gave the Menagerie a detailed list of individuals rumored to still be practicing necromancy. Davros felt it was highly likely someone on this list was likely responsible for the necromantic magic present in the city of Blackburn's copper mines.   After these interactions in Andron, the Menagerie of Chaos had no notable contact with him until we contacted him via a magical book we had setup that linked to one in his posession, allowing for us to talk from virtually anywhere. It was during our escpe with refugees from Famel, that we contacted Davros in regards to a page from Vecna's spellbook, which he gave us instructions on how to contain and safely deliver to Thaneas so it could be stored away in The Hole.   It was around this time that the Menagerie began to rely even more on Davros, which is where the nickname "Dadros" comes from as he acts as somewhat of a father figure to the party at times. From here a pattern began to develop where anytime we would be in the same place Davros was, we would make sure to unload all of the stressful information we had about the current state of the world onto him. This would happen many more times throughout our adventures.   From there we also relied on him following the aftermath of the breach of The Hole, where the Menagerie fought the Shadow's Edge before they eventually got away with the Beads of Corruption. Davros helped to clean up the mess that was made while we were on that mission setup for us to participate in by John Morazmus. It is from Davros, that Milo received the blood magic book that he is still so attached to, to this very day.   Around this time is also when the Menagerie of Chaos learned of Davros's life prior to being an illusion teacher. The reason why he knows so much about necomancy, is due to his previous position as a high-standing member of the necromancy community. Davros was supposedly the next in line to be the Archmage of Necromancy, at least right up until the Night of the Endless Void. Once that happened, Davros went back to school for illusion magic and as a previous master of necromancy has been relatively closely monitored ever since.   Since all of this, the Menagerie of Chaos has consulted him on a number of issues including Loxia's vampirism and a potential cure, Shiro's new shadow-demon friend, Cain's death contract with the Raven Queen, Milo's issues with some random elementals calling him the "Seam Master", and Pari's issue regarding Illitran being stuck in their head.   We also know that the research into containing phase spiders which we helped to further back in Andron has caused Davros to work quite closely with Master Gilbert Goldfinger and Archmage Xullfryn who according to him is always breathing down his neck. This got so bad in fact that Archmage Xullfryn eventually even tasked the Menagerie with sneaking around and looking into his research to see if he was keeping anything from her.   Turns out, he wasn't keeping anything from her, but had prepared some fake research that he was "hiding" from her in preparation for something like this. Pari would later provide Archmage Xullfryn with these papers and this has apparently lead to their relationship becoming a little more hostile as of late, which we learned when we ran into Davros unexpectedly in the city of Mahone where both the Menagerie and him were both individually scheduled to take place in an auction of some rather powerful and illegal items arranged by Temerity.   Currently, at the very least certain members of the Menagerie are unsure how much Davros can be trusted.

Character Information

Physical Description
Male half elf of an unknown age, but older than 110 years old, rumored to be in the equivalent of his 40's (midife crisis age) with thinning hair, also rumored to kinda look like a generic Greek guy
Place of Residence
Organizational Affiliations
Academy of Adept Sorcerers
Arcane Academy
House of the Arcane
Known Relations
Archmage Xullfryn (Boss)
Milomo Plumecrest (Student)
Grime (Assistant)
Suspected Class Information
High Level Illusion and Necormancy Wizard
Known Weaknesses
The stress the Menagerie of Chaos bring to him every time we see him.


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