The Marked

There are those among the people of Melrilia whether they be Humans, Haflings, Elves, Gnomes, half-orcs, Dwarves, and Half-evles, that have certain marks upon them. These marks are believed to have been gifted by the gods or those of their children.

These marks enhances the user’s ability to perform certain tasks. For example, the Mark of Making guides the hands of the smith, while the Mark of Shadows helps its bearer avoid enemies. The power of a dragonmark can also manifest in more dramatic ways. The Mark of Storms can scatter enemies with a blast of wind, while the Mark of Shadows can weave illusions.

These marks are passed through the blood though just because one's parents had them dosen't mean their child could. And a child could have a mark but their parents don't because someone before their parents had one before them. It should be noted the these marks over time have become rare.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Normall reproduciton
The Gods
Related Ethnicities