The Onyx Councile

A magical organization that resides in Criallend.


There are a total members are are eight who have all have some embodyment of certain parts of magic. Some even have apprentices that they are training.

Members of the Council

Nila- Master to Hexala and the current War Mage on the Council.

Morgan- The current Lore Keeper on the Council that has everything to do with history.

Tyr Astaril- the Enchanter that makes all magical objects that that council uses. He’s also the long lost brother of Eira.

Codel - likes to stick to his wizard’s tower so he’s not seen at the Library all the time. He specializes in well no one knows exactly what it is that he is good at. Many think he’s either a jack of all trades or just wants to keep to himself and make himself more of a mystery.

Rin - A Summoner on the council he is good at summoning creatures to aid him in the fight and knowing how creatures work for making deals with them. He’s your go to guide on anything involving magical creatures and those from another plane

Elisa Rivers - the current diviner of the Council. Lives in Thorncairn but has her own home rather than in the Library like most people.

Jade - Master of Illusions she would be the most likely to know if something is real or fake. It’s because of her that the Guards are able to see through illusions.

Vaim - A master of Transmuter who lives in the capital city and is actually an adviser to the leading family.

Hexala- Apprentice to Nila and training to take her place

Nora - Daughter to Elisa Rivers who was training to take the place of the next diviner however she had no talent for it and was later convinced to train under the master illusionist.

Ludo - Apprentice to Vaim spends most of his time in the castle.


The Onyx council was originally formed in the year 200 EY. However it was destroyed when one of the members became corrupt with power and destroyed all his fellow council members. That mage was known as Daemyar the magi and lived for a while before he met his end. However due to recent events in the world the council has reformed for the powerful magic users in the country. Some of them have already started to choose people to replace them if they die. Without replacements there are a total of 8 members on the council and there are three replacements.


With the turn of Daemyar the magi and his want for power grown he turned against members of his fellow councile members and killed them all.
Founding Date
200 EY and 1180 EY
Educational, Society
Predecessor Organization
Training Level
Controlled Territories